CNS Consul Report #36 - March 24th, 2007
This Consul report is going to be a bit wordy. So, the most important thing to remember is that Round 2 ends tomorrow, March 25th, at 11:59pm EST. That means the Battleplan and Fiction submissions must be in by then.
Total CON Emails: 50 (a lot of ACC ones)
Total ACC Match Results this week: 27
Remember my first CON report? I wrote about a dream I had. That CON report was written during the last Great Jedi War as well. Well, I had another dream, this time related to the Rite Of Supremacy. I find it weird that I only seem to dream about DB related crap. I mean, I'm in a stage in my real life job where big things are happening (major project, possibility of promotion), and I don't dream about that, I dream about the DB. What the hell is wrong with me? :P
I don't really remember the dream. I think the judges in the RoS are grading my fiction entry, and making fun of it in the dream. I would say that the dream reflects my self-consciousness about the whole DB-wide competition thing. I think it also means that I'm thinking more about Rite of Supremacy than say, my real life job, which would normally be scary, but I'm doing fine in my real life job.
Alright. Basically a lot of people throughout the DB are getting upset over the Rite of Supremacy. I guess everybody in the DB except Taldyran and Tarentum are getting upset over the Rite of Supremacy. Well, that's okay. You, as members, have a right to be upset about anything you want. However, there have been several situations where people who are involved in this Rite of Supremacy, who are grading it, have access to everything we say in here, and someone says something they don't like, and it causes an uproar, and everybody gets stressed out.
I've been telling people that maybe the clans who are losing wouldn't feel so bad about losing if the clans that were winning cough*Taldyran*cough weren't such asses about winning. Because, that's not how the real world works. In my job, we happen to have one of the best GIS programs in the state of Maryland. But we're not asses about it. You know why? Because unlike in the DB, you are surrounded by adults in a real job, and that kind of behavior is unacceptable. I'm not going to go to another county and be like, "You guys SUCK! We PWN!" Well, honestly if I said "pwn" in my real life job I would probably be punched in the face.
A lot of you don't remember this, but the DB used to be part of something called the Emperor's Hammer. This was before the "Exodus" in 2003. While the EH had many faults, especially towards the end, one of the best things about the EH, and the TIE Corps (its main group) was that in the TIE Corps, things weren't so competitive. At least it wasn't in the time I was there. The EH seemed to focus more on individual achievement than any kind of clan thing. And since the DB was the secondary club for a lot of people, (second to the TIE Corps), people didn't make as big of a deal out of GJWs. But, since, for a lot of us, the DB is the ONLY club that we're in, or at least it's the main club that we're in, these DB-wide competitions seem to mean a lot more to us.
I wish the DB would de-emphasize these DB-wide competitions. In the TIE Corps, they emphasized something that was similar to the currently running ORW. I do wish the ORW and events like that became the emphasis. I wish the club put more emphasis on personal achievement.
I am not, by nature, a competitive person. I do set goals for myself in life, but they are fixed goals and are not dependent on anybody else. For example, many of you remember my "get 1000 CFs by the end of 2006" goal. Well, that was a goal where I wasn't competing with anybody else. For example, if the goal had been, "Get the 5th highest number of CFs in the DB." I would still be here. I would constantly be chasing a goal, and if I made it preserving that goal, and that wouldn't be any fun. Goals should be, and deserve to be, doable. I should be able to point to the end of the tunnel and know that it is fixed.
Now I'm getting off topic. So, here's something to keep in mind.
While some people are getting stressed out over the GJW, we are trying to be business-as-usual in CNS. In about a week, Sai will be promoted to DJK. Well, celebrate THAT! It's a wonderful thing, and getting a member to Dark Jedi Knight is probably the most satisfying thing I will ever do in this job, because getting to that rank, for most of you, is the height of self-achievement.
Celebrate the fact that Mifune got an $800 bonus check this week in his real life job.
Celebrate the fact that Sin had pizza for breakfast!
Celebrate the fact that Rai keeps on having dinner with women on weekends!
Celebrate the fact that I have now reviewed 272 movies.
ACC event - From what I can tell, we're about 50/50 winning/losing in the ACC. That's pretty good. I'm glad a lot of you are making a good effort to get a lot of matches in. If you've read the DB News page, Dalthid mentions something about how matches must be initiated by the 26th, which is two days from now.
Debate event - Well, despite a good effort by Mifune and his team, we got eliminated from the Debate event. It happens.
Battleplan event - Shin'ichi and team are working on our Round 2 submission, due tomorrow, and it's looking good.
Fiction event - Remember to get your submissions in by tomorrow. Those of you who are looking to complete promo requirements, this is a good way to get some of your tasks done. And, since it's a three-page minimum instead of a 5-page minimum, it's a bit easier.
Gaming - Meh. We only have a few gamers, and you basically have a choice between the ORW and the GJW. Last week I participated in the ORW, since I felt like I was the only one gaming in the GJW that weekend. But, the few of you who have been gaming, I'm not going to forget your efforts.
Macron sent an email out to a few of you, but I wanted to reiterate here. If there are any of you who ran competitions before the Rite of Supremacy, and haven't yet awarded the medals for those competitions, please let one of us know so we can award the medals ourselves. This is assuming that you don't have database access to award the medals yourself. I just have this nagging feeling that there are competitions that have ended without medals being awarded, because there were a TON of competitions being ran before the Rite of Supremacy.
There were two lower-level promotions this week.
Vladek and I participated in the ORW last weekend. I got 8 CFs and Vladek got 7 CFs. I have a funny story about the ORW though.
See, I decided last weekend that I'd participate in the ORW because I thought I could contribute more to the DB that way. So, I started playing Battlefront 2 against the Rebel team members. I lost 6 games in a row. At this point, I started playing Jedi outcast, a game I'm much better at. I won my first three matches. At this point, I sign up to play against a guy who I guess everyone thought was good, and I get messaged by a DB member telling me that I shouldn't play anymore and that I was ruining the DB's chances of winning and thus ending the ORW quicker. I of course told him that telling people not to play is very much against DB rules, and that I should be allowed to game however I wish, for fun. You know, the reason we're supposed to have joined this club, for FUN. So, I ignored him and played my match that he was so afraid I'd lose, and I ended up beating the guy. Isn't that ironic?
Let this be a reminder to all of you. You are not to dissuade people from playing. Coming from my own personal experience, it's somewhat demoralizing, and it's bad sportsmanship. This is a god damned volunteer online SW club, and nobody should be taking winning so seriously as to tell other members not to participate.
The the guy does this to me again, I will report him. Hopefully he won't be that stupid again. And no, the guy wasn't a CNS member.
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