Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Aedile Report: State of the House

Yes, here is yet another report from your loving AED, showcasing all the marvelous things we as a House have been doing and/or been rewarded for :P


Well…the RoS is nearing its end. As Strat said earlier today is the last day to challenge anyone in the ACC. On a related note, I got a ton of judgements in yesterday…and most of them were positive. In all cases great goings, guys :)

The Final fiction is also there to be done, as well as the everlasting gaming matches. If nothing else, we can use those to hone our skills…and gain shinies, of course :P

Medals Awarded:

Today’s been a medal-heavy week, unlike one would expect. This due the fact that persistent refusal by the T:G to get his ass in gear has prompted our CON to use his Consularly powers and recommend the relevant awards himself. So, I’d like you all to thank Strat and/or seek someone from your midst as his bedmate…for compensation, so to speak :P

7 Clusters of Fire were awarded to our very own QUA OT Malidir, for his effort in the seventh round of the Outer Rim War. Malidir also gained yet another 160 Clusters of Fire for his Feud work

62 Clusters of Fire were awarded to JH Rho d’Tana for his effort during various Feud events

22 Clusters of Fire were awarded to OP Sashar for work in the Feud

10 Clusters of Fire were awarded to JH Kieran for his work in the Feud

10 Clusters of Fire were awarded to DJK Wolvie ‘the Jackall’ for his work in the Feud

1 Cluster of Fire was awarded to DJK Morgan Arkarso, for his effort during the Feud.


Medals Pending:

Given the way we have been dominating gaming –in the traditional, we-have-more-wins-than-you-dudes sense- I expect several medals and huge legions of CoFs to be awarded to the Clan’s members. We will also be expecting an award for ACO Juda, who has managed to gain third place in fiction. Again, w00t!


None, this time around. But in this I would like to make a pair of announce a thing:

Mal and I try to keep our eyes on all of you. Honestly, we do. But as you might have noticed we have a House over sixty strong and as such, thing might get a tad…confusing, at times. As such, we are sometimes unaware of things, especially when no one bothers telling us. All of you know, I hope, where the Promotions Guidelines can be found. If not, they can be found here:

If you believe you qualify for a promotion or anything, talk to your master. Your Master is, in principle, the one to help and guide you, and also the one who should by all rights recommend Awards and Promotions to the House summit so you can be properly awarded for your work.

If you do not have a master, you could do the following to ensure proper recognition is given:

  • Send an email to myself with the things you have done since your last Merit Award/Promotion. Update those emails weekly, or whenever you feel you have done something significant.

  • CC me on any email with your input etc.

  • Come to me online at IRC when you think your efforts haven’t been sufficiently recognized lately.

Gents, I realize that we all hate ‘whiners’ and whining in general. That is true for me as well…but if you honestly believe you have not been given proper recognition, I can at the very least listen. It is my [i]job[/i] to listen to your input. I won’t shout, won’t bite, won’t dismember you for that :P The worst you can expect is a long –and boring- explanation of why things haven’t been done properly yet. :P

SA Courses Passed and ACC Qualifications:

Juda has passed: Marksmanship

Our new member Von Erich has passed: AOL Instant Messenger

Congrats to you as you continue to rise in both rank and knowledge within the Brotherhood, and gather Dark Knowledge blablabla…oh, and have fun. One must never forget that bit :P


I would like to welcome our new member APP Von Erich, who has recently joined the Brotherhood.

Roster now stands at 62!

Again, this number is likely to fall in the near future due to the AWOLed members not yet having been removed. Suffice to say this will happen when done.

In Closing:

RoS RoS RoS!

Do I sound fanatical? Good. I reiterate, the RoS is one of the most fun things you can participate at. Even if we’re not winning it is still good, and we have not yet been totally knocked out of the race. Therefore…go forth, and pwn!

In Darkness,

KAP Timeros Caesus Entar.

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