The JA server is up! As some may have read in the #gmrg and #obelisk channels (or even #Tarentum), they got the JA server up in less than 24 hours. Yay. Anyways, again, it's a 6-player server, no password yet, but I will be adding one. I'm still tweaking the config.
Anyways, the IP is and it's ready and waiting for your pleasure. So go, do, have fun. Make use of it. It's fun. But just remember, I expect blood offerings in gratitude. I'll take firstborn children, too. :P Heh.
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two words "hell ya!"
/me hand a bottle of O+ blood to bloodfyer. "heres my down payment"
It's good stuff, very little lag so you can actually use the disrupter rifle now and saber combat isn't based on timing your attack so the lag will help you hit the person, it's sweet. Albeit everyone resorts to using FF and Guns even when you ask for NF sabers matches ;)
So go, play, have fun, and most importantly, practice practice practice!