Members of Scholae Palatinae:
As I write this report the Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness draws to a conclusion, illustrating the final moments of Scholae Palatinae's efforts to work towards dominance of her rival Clans and claim supremacy of the Dark Brotherhood.
However, I would be remiss to not discuss two different angles of thought that course through my mind with painstaking clarity.
The first, we are a Clan that has asserted itself as a force to be reckoned with. And we will remain as such with the nucleus of gifted, talented, selfless members we have currently collected within our family. And, make no mistake about it, you have proven yourselves to be a single, united Clan through the duration of this event. Our final placing, whether it be first, second or third... it was only claimed through your determination to work (participate) for one another.
Second, this thought comes in a measured dose, is my criticism of our efforts in the Rite of Supremacy. It illustrates, to me, that our core is vastly inexperienced in the Art of Vendetta. While many of you, in your surveys (hosted by Nathaniel #129), exclaimed you would act under the direction of your Clan's leaders to ensure the best, possible placing for the Clan... only a marginal amount of you succeeded in following the orders issued by your Captains for this Vendetta. It is my hope in the next Vendetta that you will truly read the e-mails and direction provided by these individuals to ensure no one feels cheated at the end of a long campaign.
Thank you for hearing me out... let us begin the report.
Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness
Overall, I am vastly impressed with CSP's turn of fate since the Sixth Great Jedi War. We have developed from a small group of members fighting for our lives into vastly superior force that is coordinated and determined to prove ourselves as the best. We did extremely well in events not designed to our strengths (Battle Plan & ACC) and broke through barriers of events that were tailored to our strengths.
Each of you deserves a drink on the house! After all, this is the drinking clan... is it not?
As many of you have been asking... promotions and/or medals will be determined once the full results of the Rite of Supremacy have been released and I have conferred with the Leadership of the Clan & Houses. Each decision we make concerning the progression and advancement of a member is done together, as a team, for the benefit of a seamless unit working to ensure a better CSP.
Clan Projects
With the Grand Master's most recent announcement that the Great Jedi War will be pushed back until (approximately) June 1st, 2007... I have begun organizing an endless list of tasks that are designed for the betterment of Scholae Palatinae's fictional basis.
Primary amongst my initial goals is the completion of the Clan Prospectus. This document provides integral background information concerning the Clan, Houses, Military and Identity of our Clan. It is, to be, a resource, or tome, of all imperative knowledge concerning our glorious family.
Secondary, but vastly important, is to find someone skilled in the art of PHP and MySQL coding to utilize a new layout that was created for the Clan web site. This new site outstrips our current one in accessibility of information and ease of navigation. In addition, it will have many blank spots that will constitute future additions to the site to make it an asset for many generations of members to come.
As I write this report, purposely late on the eve of the conclusion of the Rite of Supremacy (that is a mouthful)... is because we posed a challenge to ourselves: to beat Taldryan in the Fiction Event. Our astute Dark Jedi Master Nathaniel set a challenge of thirty submissions to overcome the deficit we faced against our primary rival/peer.
With one hour remaining... I am proud to announce that we have, at this point, posted twenty five entries to this final phase of the Fiction Event. It is my most sincere hope that we will meet the 'push' we demanded of ourselves to eliminate Taldryan's grasp of a field that has, traditionally, been our Clan's strength.
Great work, everyone! It is your selfless actions to act on the orders of those you have entrusted (your leaders) to direct us in times of war.
Glory is out there... take it, its yours!
I am, your servant,
Braecen Kaeth Kunar
Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae
Safeguarder of Sheep
Braecen Kunar (Krath Epis) / CON-GC-EP / Clan Scholae Palatinae
[GMRG: RG3-G] [PA: Elder] [ACC: CE:1]
AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / BN / Cr-1D-11R-18A-20S-8E-5T-1Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-AuL / SI-AuL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D
{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AL - L:PRH}
You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...
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