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Greetings everyone. While I may not be writing a ton of reports, I will be using this one to try and re-cap a lot of the information that has been recently released. There has been a lot of positions recently opened, as well as RoS news. I will also try and briefly touch upon the RoS itself. So continue on for everthing (oh, and if anyone wants to make me fancy news banners, that'd be great :P)
<span class="style1 style3">RoS Thoughts:</span>
We are still going through and grading things. Don't expect any fully finalized results until the weekend, at the earliest. It'll take some time to finish grading everything, so hang in there.
The only ones we have to finish are fiction and ACC, hence the greater delay.
I would like to thank everyone who participated. The participation in general was fantastic, although I do know not everything was "perfect". Once all of the results have been released, we shall be dissecting this current RoS and looking at what went well, what was ok and what needs improving. We have been listening to the comments, and in certain cases we agree. Our ultimate goal is to make sure that a Clan, and not a handful of individuals, win a competition. However, combining skill and participation is not a perfect science. For the GJW it will be a very different set-up, but the next time the RoS comes around, all of the rules and events will be much improved, although I'm sure we will continually see need for improvement. There was also some confusion in certain events in relation to the general rules. While we will try and explain them as well as we can, it is also incumbent on the leaders to have read the rule in the first place. In some cases, members assumed one set of rules, when it was clearly stated otherwise. Not knowing what the rules are is not a valid argument in any case, and 5 or 10 minutes to read them over isn't a lot to ask. In the end it does save everyone a lot of headache.
<span class="style1 style3">RoS Scores:</span>
Taldryan defeated Plagueis in a close-fought match. It ended up in a 3-2 split, so well done to both sides. A great way to end off the event. The debates will be viewable in the next day on the messageboard. Take a look to see how everyone did on these topics.
Once again, Taldryan takes the win in this one, with Naga Sadow keeping pace the entire time. Both stuck to what got them to the finals, and Tal pulled it off in the end. We will try and get the Battleplans up for each round so everyone can take a look at the effort put into each.
Individual results were also released for Round 3:
1st Place - Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin Taldrya-Cantor (Taldryan)
2nd Place - Arias Vorak (Plagueis)
Overall Placings:
1st Place - Arias Vorak (Plagueis)
2nd Place (tie) - Vessicant (Plagueis) and Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor (Taldryan)
3rd Place - Jac Ae-Sequiera Cotelin Taldrya-Cantor (Taldryan)
For full details on the individual ladders, as well as Clan scores, you can visit here. Below are the Overall Winner of this event, taking into account all ladders. Participation in this portion was phenomenal, with over 4200 matches played! Congratulations go out to the top 3!
1st Place - Strategos Thanatos Entar Arconae (Arcona)
2nd Place - Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor (Plagueis)
3rd Place - Malidir (Arcona)
<span class="style1 style3">Position Changes:</span>
There have been a lot of positions recently opened up to the general membership. Scroll down to find information on each one
Tribune: Gaming
Due to his RL situation, Lucius has stepped down from this position. This position has already been filled by DA Korras, who we believe will have the initiative to improve MP gaming in the Dark Brotherhood. Congratulations go out to him.
Consul of Plagueis
The position of Consul in Clan Plagueis is open to the entire Dark Brotherhood for applications. Those applying must have clear set goals; good online activity, high e-mail turn-around, previous leadership experience, and the ability work with those in positions below and above you.
Applicants must address:
What your goals are for 30/60/90 days after taking the position of Consul.
How do you plan to accomplish your goals.
What to you view as your weaknesses and strengths.
GM's Question: Clan Plagueis has struggled to find an identity and common battle cry. This problem is one that has plagued (no pun intended) Clan Plagueis since its creation. The members of Plagueis are for the most part transfers and original members of CSK and CEK and it is your job to give them a common calling under the Flag of Plagueis. How will you accomplish this?
Please submit your applications to the DGM, P:GM, and GM. Applications are due by 9 April, though I reserve the right to make a selection prior to that date. As of now, this job is wide open, so take a shot at an application.
Tribune: Fiction
The Fiction Tribune is responsible for our most popular platform and is a position of supreme importance. Those applying must have the initiative to innovate and create competitions that encourage maximum participation.
Applications are due by 9 April. All applicantions should be sent to the DGM, P:GM, and GM. Applicants should detail the competitions they plan on running, what goals and projects do you have in mind, and what can you bring to the DB.
I envision the T:F position growing in its role and working directly with the Grand Master on the overall Dark Brotherhood Storyline. I would like to see the new T:F work on projects that rival the scope and length of the Antei Project.
See the following for the standard explanation of the Fiction Tribune's duties.
Fiction Tribune (T:F) - The Fiction Tribune is the Tribune responsible for the somewhat nebulous duty overseeing writing activities in the Dark Brotherhood. Most often, this means organizing writing competitions, including the Monthly Topics.
Since the Fiction Tribune is not in charge of one specific event or platform in the same way as the ICTE Tribune or a specific project such as the Dark Voice Tribune, the position often expands to fill other roles, including work with the Headmaster to develop Shadow Academy writing courses or the maintenance of a Fiction Archive.
Develop, organize and run writing competitions.
Promote participation in writing-based competitions throughout the Dark Brotherhood.
Work with the Headmaster and other Shadow Academy staff to develop writing courses, when necessary.
Tribune: Dark Side Compendium
Applicants should submit a sample of their writing and a short resume on why they should be T:DSC to the DGM, P:GM and GM. Please place T:DSC in your application subject line. We also wish to know what you believe the direction of the DSC should go in...your personal vision for it
Applications are due by 5 April.
Praetor: Master at Arms
As taken directly from the recent MAA announcement, "First things first, being my praetor will be a long term commitment. Don't bother applying if you think I'm going to retire in a few months so then you'll have a shot at MAA. I plan on staying MAA for years to come. Also note that if a suitable candidate doesn't make it through or one isn't found at the end then I will not be taking on a praetor for some time to come.
The following are the requirements and how the selection process will go for my praetor.
Must be in the Equite ranks or above and have had AED leadership experiences or better.
I will be accepting applications for a week (until April 8th) and then I will contact those applicants that qualify. In your application you must answer these questions:
*If you're made praetor, what do you intend to do with the job?
*Why do you think you're best suited for being my praetor?
*What ideas do you have for the office of Master at Arms?
*What sort of skills do you bring to the table?
The next round will involve a week of quizzing. I will be making up recommendations for various medals and promotions. It will be the job of the selected applicants to read through each and tell me whether or not the award would be approved or denied, and reasons as to why it would be approved or denied. After that I will look through everything and make my decision."
<span class="style1 style3">Closing:</span>
Hopefully I covered everything. I would like to thank everyone again for their participation in the RoS. As mentioned before, the GJW has been pushed back to allow everyone a bit of a breather. We also needed to make sure that all of the Clans and positions in the DB were properly looked after, as many holes were found during these two weeks. Hopefully this time period can be used to relax and have some fun while working towards making each part of the club that much better.
Last, congrats go out to Raken on getting Sith Battlemaster. He has played a huge part in getting everything together for the RoS, as well as working extensively on the GJW plotline. He works extremely hard, and a lot of this wouldn't be possible without his help, so truly well deserved.
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Halc don't you try to steal my thunder as well
The Debate forums should now be open for viewing
Still says you need a password to view. Also grats on your promotion Raken! I know it was well deserved!
Passwords Removed by me just now.