Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


Bourdain wrote an interesting post about The Beard Foundation. The Beard Foundation is touted as being to Food and Cooking, what the Academy is to Film and Actors. The problem with this outlook, is that it almost never recognizes the best, unless that self same "best" pay lip service to the Beard Foundation. In fact, unless you are truly outstanding or kiss major ass, the Beard Foundation will almost never recognize you. Why? This "Foundation" devoted to food is devoted to anything but food. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I am an elitist bastard, but the people who chair the Foundation, who are its primary donors, take the entire elitist schtick to a whole new level. Compared to them, I am Vladimir Lenin, railing against the upper class for the benefit of the whole. That is how bad they are. I hope to see The Beard Foundation one day implode, scattering grandmother's pearls and monogrammed money clips all up and down West 12th Street in New York City. Hopefully, some of that money will find its way into the pockets of actual chefs and cooks, and not another Rachel Ray or Sandra Lee.


In other news the Rite of Succession has concluded. We're awaiting final scores. Thanks to everyone that participated. Your Summits have already started discussion about just compensation for everyone's efforts.


The Outer Rim War also concluded, and my inbox was recently flooded with seals for participants. Much thanks to all those that took place.


As far as Clan News goes, look towards the end of the week for updates to Necromancy, specifically a beastiary of creatures that can be raised.






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