Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

RevengeX's fingers flew over his datapad as he sent his usual slur of messages over a secure channel. He put it down on his desk and cracked his fingers, one at a time, feeling a sense of strange ecstasy every time one of his knuckles let out a disgusting crack. He picked up the datapad once more and checked his message inbox. The Archpriest let out a sigh as he saw the number "14" slowly increase. Not wanting to write or record any more messages that day, the Quaestor shut off the console and pushed it over across his desk to create more space. The datapad let out a high-pitched beep and with a mere hand motion, the datapad's power cell flew out out of its holder and crashed through the glass window. 'Can't these people wait... sweet Scorekeeper, a man needs to doodle!' he thought as he got a fresh piece of paper from a stack and a pen from a mug that said, "Yummymuffins". The Archpriest waved his hand around the paper causing streaks of black ink to form on the blank whiteness. In a few minutes, a poorly drawn stick figure with a cone hat waving a sign that said, "need moolah", appeared on the paper. The stick figure was labeled "Phoenix". Cackling like a maniac, Revenge crushed the paper in his hand and threw it into the trash bin hidden underneath the desk. He pulled another blank sheet of paper from the stack and began to write...


We dominated the MP Gaming Ladders and the ACC event! RAWR! We came close to winning the fiction event, but we settled at second place. :)

In this report, I talk about the RoS, major RoS players from HAD, a new Order of the Dragon member, the Master-Student Program, and teasing.

** The GJW has been postponed until June or July! **

Enjoy and learn, my friends, in the Six Month edition of the Revvy Report!

(By the way, I pronounce "GJW" as "Jee-Jay-Double j00." :P)


We rocked the RoS, baby! We came in second! I thank all of you who have busted out those game discs and whooped some other Dark Jedi around. I also thank those of you who opened up those word processors and wrote stories for the fiction event. Congrats to Cethgus for taking third in the JA Ladder! Congrats to Tyno and Niemand in taking second and third in the BF/BF2 Ladder, respectively! Congrats again to Tyno for taking first in the EaW Ladder! This is truly exemplary work, folks! Thanks to Thran Occasus and Nathaniel for representing the Clan in the debate event.

In case you didn't know, Braecen got promoted to KPN and Raidoner got promoted to SWL! Yay, Brae and Raid! :D

With Rhaub gone, I just realized I'm the only KAP in the Clan... :P


A special thanks and congratulations to Nathaniel on winning the second round of the fiction event and coming in second for the first round of the fiction event. A big shout-out to all our round one and round two writers: Siyavash, Adam Anderson, Nathaniel, and Cooch! Congratulate, and thank, the following members on their contributions to the ACC portion of the RoS: Karva Dronaal, Ood Bnar Sythe'rae, Impetus, Rhaub D'ar Aghasett Palpatine, Xathia dan Locut'Hal, Siyavash Kaida, and me! Thanks for representing HAD in the ACC (yay for acronyms)!

As I said in an earlier email to the Clan, Rhaub has resigned from Aedile and transferred to Rogues. In his place, I appoint Nathaniel!

The following is a list of HAD members who received Seals of Darkness for their participation in the RoS:

  • RevengeX, Nathaniel (6 Seals)

  • Impetus, Siyavash (4 Seals)

  • Exodius, Adam, Gavan, Laurus (3 Seals)

  • Norrik, Kalak, Karva (2 Seals)

  • Ood, Cuchulain, Max, Malkorvik, Rhaub, Xathia (1 Seal)

(If I missed you, please contact me ASAP!)


What with the RoS and the ORW, there were numerous candidates for the March Order of the Dragon inductee. But it all came down to one person: Obelisk Templar Exodius! He participated in the RoS and ORW and has shown up Gaming Nights to flex his Trandoshan muscles.

I was going to write a story like I did on the last one, but I realized that it would take forever for me to write a story because I'm still exhausted from my vacation. I may write a story including Exodius next month though. Nothing personal, Exodius!

Obelisk Templar Exodius - Fang of Aggression (April 2007)

Impetus has been spearheading the Order of the Dragon development! Props to him for being a great rolemodel for other members. :)


I suppose I'm expected to write about the Rite of Supremacy and how well we did... but, I'm going to veer slightly off course (blame the leftover booze, if you like).

As we all know, the Rite of Supremacy ended and the House had pretty good participation overall. We had 17 people participate in the House Feud. We had 17 people participate in the RoS, 5 more than the CSP vs. Arcona feud. This means we dipped a little bit, but we're shooting back up. We have 37 members.

By the time the GJW rolls by, we should have 19-21 members participating.

We can definitely win this GJW if we have people willingly give it their best shot. Right now, all we need is participation, participation, and participation. These large-scale vendettas are primarily about the Clans, but as an extra incentive, personal scores are released as well. But remember, these vendettas are mainly about the Clans and which Clan gets the bragging rights!

As long as you participate and fight on the front lines with the rest of us, you will be rewarded, even if you lose a lot. My business sense tells me this is a great deal. ;)

The GJW will also feature unique Seals that will be awarded for participation! These Seals show your vendetta experience and beef up your medal case! Everyone wants these Seals because they're only given once and they're only given to those who participate in large competitions like the GJW or RoS.

About two years ago (?), the Fifth GJW, and a little later, the Krath RoS, came along. I was a bumbling, confused Journeyman at the time, so I had no clue what it was all about. (The extremely long GJW5 storyline didn't really help either. >.>) So, I didn't participate. I missed out on the Seal of Memories and the Seal of Retribution, which are incredibly awesome. I sincerely regret it now, and I don't want you all to regret not participating!

Let's hit that 19-21 member participation point, folks! Let's show 'em what HAD's made of! :)


Post your ideas on the thread in the House forum, http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3614, or send an email my way. I'll consider all your suggestions and respond to you ASAP.

I'm detailing my progress in a blog, so if you have nothing else to do, please read it: http://dbrevengex.blogspot.com/. I'm working on a post now.

-Antenora: In-Depth

Laurus is going to be on an extended LoA, so he has appointed Impetus to lead the project.

-Fictional Backdrop

I'm halfway through "Legions of Acclivis Draco."

-HAD Review

If there's interest, I can pick this up.

-House Descriptions Development

I've sent a preview of this to the Clan Summit, and they seem to like it. :)

-Order of the Dragon Development

We have quite a few logos to choose from, but we haven't started voting yet. Impetus is putting together an Order of the Dragon "manual," an all-in-one reference document about everything the Order is.

-House Website

Rhaub has shown me a work in progress of the new template, and it's truly amazing work! I hope to put the template into use in the coming month. When the update is finished, I'll tell you guys.


None in the queue!

Please contact me if you have ideas.


Challenge #5: Quick 'n' Dirty

Vally is hosting several quick competitions open to the Clan. HAD, this is a great chance at the lower level Crescents to complete your collections. These competitions should only take a few minutes and I encourage everyone to participate [and of course, win]! These are competitions for the "cool-down" period between the RoS and GJW.

Go participate!


(Before I go into today's letter, I will remind everyone: "Ask the Quaestor" is open to everyone! Just send me your questions, you may request anonymity, and I will answer them in my report! Simple as that.)

dear revengeX Palpatine,

i completed ALL of my trails but my master wont promote me. what did i do wrong??????? this is getting soooooooo ridiculus!!!!!!!! my master is sooooooooooooooo stuupiidddd!!!!!!

pleas please answer!!!!!!!!!!


Dear Anonymous,

Next time, include my titles when you address yours truly. I believe it to be inappropriate by leaving them out; however, because I am such a "nice" guy, I will answer your question. In the future, please refrain from using ridiculous (that's R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S) amounts of punctuation marks. It gives the impression that you are, frankly, an idiot. I am not saying you are an idiot. I am saying you pass off as an idiot to those who don't know you.

The Master-Student Program is merely a set of guidelines for promotions within the Journeymen class.

Say you are a Protector. Your Master has given you four tasks that you must complete. You complete them. You email your Master and kindly remind him that you have completed all of the tasks he has set for you. Your Master responds. Your Master does not email your direct superiors. This time, you demand that he promote you. He does not.

You say, "Why? Why won't my Master promote me even when I completed the tasks he set for me? Does he hate me? I bet he does. He's a meanie! He abuses his power as my Master! I quit! I need a new Master! This one hates my guts and I hate him too! [Blah, Blah, Blah dee blah dee blah...]"


Remember what I said about guidelines? If you want to get that coveted lightsaber, you have to do more than the tasks your Master set for you. And, you should NEVER request a promotion for yourself. It's self-conceited and nobody likes you if you do.

ALWAYS go above and beyond everything you are told. Say you're told to earn 40 Clusters of Fire. Earn 100 and win a Gaming Night or Sunday Tournament. Five pages of character fiction? Go for seven pages of excellent, detailed, eloquent writing.

I hope this helps.

Love <3,

RevengeX Palpatine, Quaestor of the Rising Dragon, Son of Palpatine, Lord of the Desert Planet Antenora, Viscount of Scholae Palatinae, Blade Master of the Royal Clan


(This new section is for whatever I want it to be about. It may only show up in my reports occasionally when I feel that something needs to be talked about.)

== First Topic: Teasing ==

I think we all need to take a deep breath and relax... [in... out...]

First Note: We did a great job in the RoS, and I know some of you even stayed up into the night to beat people around to help CSP's effort in the gaming ladders. Now, it's time to relax... participate in those quick competitions the Clan Summit has for us and have some fun.

Second Note: Everyone likes to tease everyone else and make fun of people... or at least, I do. :P If/When I/someone do[es] tease you, or someone else, I/someone usually don't mean any harm (unless it's Pho... j/k :P). Remember, reading mere text gives no hints of feeling or sentiment. Some people may mean something as a joke, and if they tell you it's a joke, don't go "anal" on them. Remember, it's important not to take things personally on IRC... after all, most of us are geeks like you! :)

== Second Topic: R-E-S-P-E-C-T ==

Exactly six months ago, I wrote my "formal" introductory email to the Clan after being appointed to Quaestor. In it, I stressed the idea of respect. Here's an excerpt:

The fourth and final order of business in this email is the most important article (or at least it is in my opinion). R-E-S-P-E-C-T. It doesn't matter if it's someone with one day in the DJB or a decade. It doesn't matter if someone's a GM or an APP. It doesn't matter if it's someone on the Dark Council or the lowest Tyro in a Battle Team. Respect is my greatest emphasis that I would like to impress on everyone reading this email. Although you may not agree with someone, it is important that you respect them and their ideas because they may have several good reasons for believing something. This will apply to Summit members and House Members (note the capital "M"; it is a powerful position) and everyone in between. If that person is not in the House or Clan, it is still majorly imperative to respect them and their dolphins.

Lately, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood has been lacking in respect and mere simple kindness. I am not the only one who has noticed this. I'm not talking about teasing. I'm talking about serious ridicule, hatred, and overall harassment. I personally think it's quite childish.

I do not want any member of House Acclivis Draco to participate in these acts. If a member is found to participate in such an immature and blatant act of disrespect and stupidity, I will talk to them, personally. And you don't want that because I don't "sugarcoat" things.


-- DJB Competitions --

  • Gaming Nights - Alternating weeks : Tuesday/Thursday or Monday/Wednesday/Friday in #dbgaming – check the mailing list or on the DB site itself. If you aren't sure, ask on IRC or mail any of the leaders.

  • SIT - Every second Sunday in #dbgaming - Qualify : play 6 people in the two weeks prior to the SIT

  • ICTE - Every Saturday 1pm EST in #outerrim

  • Note: Gaming Nights and SIT support ACC Live! as a MP platform; ICTE doesn't.

  • SA Trivia (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?ID=2381) : 02/10/2007 - 01/26/2008

-- CSP Competitions --

-- Acclivis Draco Competitions --

April's topic for the "What if..." competition is "What if CSP won the GJW?" Would there be giant parties with loads of booze and hot chicks? Would everybody dump their drinks on Braecen and Phoenix? Creativity, creativity, creativity!


129 Dark Jedi Master Nathaniel

3153 Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

236 Epis Adam Anderson

7898 Epis Karva Dronaal

3491 Archpriest RevengeX Palpatine

4601 Battlemaster Dakari

4438 Priest Uzbad Zol Tamalar

4855 Priest Aerick Executus Harbinger

5951 Priest Impetus

6390 Priest Siyavash Kaida

1845 Templar Exodius

4792 Templar Lucien Peregrinus

3317 Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar Sythe'rae

4835 Dark Jedi Knight Korbin

6041 Jedi Hunter Laurus

7487 Jedi Hunter Libra Tzo

7610 Jedi Hunter Gavan Sykes Mandalore

7854 Guardian Max Reem Mandalore

8149 Guardian Kel Tavik

8199 Guardian Norrik Karn

8215 Guardian Arual Semaj

8307 Guardian Kalak Ragnose

7118 Protector Rector

8396 Protector Xathia dan Locut'Hal

8408 Protector Sauni Demai

8268 Acolyte Tirano

8579 Acolyte Tartutic

8611 Acolyte Darious Shadow

8624 Acolyte Malkorvik

8549 Novice The Traveling Dark Messiah

8592 Novice Adosh Mitchell

8537 Apprentice Nex Astrum

8550 Apprentice Wonalda Reem

8555 Apprentice Vail Horeth

8595 Apprentice Pharax

8639 Apprentice Xanathos

8670 Apprentice Jogo Regani

Our House stands at 37 members.


Dark Jedi Brotherhood - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Shadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/

Antei Combat Center - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/

Codex of the Dark Brotherhood - http://www.codex.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Dark Side Compendium - http://www.dsc.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

Dark Brotherhood Forum - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/

Dark Brotherhood Wiki - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/

Clan Scholae Palatinae - http://www.scholaepalatinae.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

House Acclivis Draco - http://www.acclivisdraco.org/

House Caliburnus - http://www.housecaliburnus.org/


Quaestor RevengeX Palpatine: dbrevengex[at]gmail[dot]com

Aedile Nathaniel: crimsonking[at]krath[dot]org

Rollmaster TBA

Consul Braecen Kunar: bmcoffey13[at]aol[dot]com

Proconsul Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine: phoenix_5181[at]yahoo[dot]com

Clan Envoy Selene d'Tana: djbselene[at]gmail[dot]com

(The "[at]'s" and "[dot]'s" are used to substitute their respective symbols to avoid spam bots picking up these email addresses.)


-Welcome Adosh Mitchell, Pharax, Darious Shadow, Xanathos, Tirano, Jogo Regani, and Malkorvik to HAD from the Shadow Academy!

-A big shout-out to all our RoS gamers: Laurus, Impetus, Max, Nathaniel, Exodius, Gavan, Norrik, and me!

-Congrats to the recipients of the shiny Seals of Dominance, awarded for participation in the ORW3: Gavan, Nathaniel, Exodius, Impetus, and me!

-Congrats to Kalak Ragnose on his promotion to Guardian! You're almost there, my apprentice! :)

-Congrats to Malkorvik, Darious Shadow, and Tartutic on their promotions!

-Props to Dakari on his Dark Cross and Kalak on his Legion of the Scholar. :)

-Congrats to everyone who received a Seal of Darkness!

I had a great LoA. Remember... Yummymuffins! Have a great week, folks. :)

-RevengeX (the guy with the sexiest RoS JO ladder win-loss record, 94% wins: 59-4 :P)


KAP RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]

GC / SC-SoA / AC-ToDS / DC-SiP / GN / SN / BN / Cr-2R-9A-8S-12E-4T-5Q / PoB / CF-PlF / DSS-AgL / SI-BL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-4Al-9C-17D-6Do-6Dk

{SA: MVN - KS: ToL - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - LF - HTML1 - HTML2 - ASP - PHP - ACC - CM - SC - D: KCORE - TW - FP - HS1 - HSII - PRH - MED - KP - RO - GS - O: SCORE - ISET - ESET - AST - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}

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