Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Greetings Circle 1,

Such great months I have endured with you all, giving versatile memory, knowledge, skill and experience, and I am truly grateful to have them. They carved something in me, something to remember in the future, something to enhance to get better. Everyday. Today will be better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. That is the precious treasure, that would be the advantage of the life journey.

From the harmony to the enmity, they will give us something to learn. Maybe we always expect peace, but the true peace will be perceived when someone has underwent in chaos and overcome it. Whether it is just mentally or even physically, it gives us challenge, to seek the solution, the goodness, the result in which will sooth our heart.

Learning will never end. From the newborn until the end of one's time. Everyone who meet you in your days, is destined to give you lessons, whether he/she does intend or not to teach you, his/her lessons will be steadying you to be a better person, even though they are felt bitter. The wheel always turns, therefore, on the other hand, if you give sincerely, you will have the return in unforeseen ways, although not in instantaneous pace. Learning in sincerity and friendship.

I have been taught so far, yet the time of another shape of learning has come, although I do not halt my searching of knowledge and experience. I have been trusted to guide you, Sikes, R'deth, and Sergeant, embracing your journey in the Brotherhood. I beam, seeing your great intention to sharpen yourself.

Sikes, well done for your effort in order to raise, from the Acolyte, Protector and now Guardian. Enhance yourself in leadership circumstances, and entertain your skill in ACC, writing events and gaming days. Working your skill in some gaming days, Saturday ICTE and Sunday Invitational Tournament will give you improvement, however, the mastery cannot be earned in just a day or two. Trust me, JO or JA is not just a mere game, and it's fun. Meanwhile, you can collect the Clusters of Fire as well ;). And oh, have you taken the Obelisk core exam?

R'deth, well done for breaking the long idle time, and bringing yourself into Acolyte. I have given your next tasks, therefore enjoy them, but not burden yourself into them. I know you have the talent (high midichlorians ?), and here you could heighten your writing skill.

Sergeant, I know you are there, so take your time a bit to respond, will you?

Nonetheless, I will emphasize the line, "Real life comes first". The DB is a place to entertain you, to compound you within your unwinding time. Pick something useful to enhance yourself, and I assure you, it is not just something, there will be many things.

Since my real life has also called me, I will be in long absence for about two weeks or so, but I will try to see my inbox, once I have the break; as this will be my LoA notice as well to the House summits.

As always, Sikes, R'deth, Sergeant, don't hesitate to shoot me any questions, especially about the DB wide. I am glad to help you.

Yours in Darkness,

~ Odin

"Skill does not always draw from the Force, but it is a measure of power nonetheless. It can grant knowledge, help steady oneself when one's thoughts are in chaos, or grant enlightenment."--DK/DT

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