Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Report, 4/17/07

_Sai entered his office, the electroluminescent lights automatically switching on as he crossed the threshold. Settling into his chair, he was greeted by its usual creaks and groans, and he made a mental note, as he always did, to look into getting it replaced.

He took his calligraphy kit from the desk’s side drawer, along with a clean scroll of paper. After unfurling it across his desk, Sai selected a brush, dipped its bristles into the inkwell, and began to write: _


Tetrarch Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Adrian Kiarey

Ruluk Okoth

Horus Blackheart

Sanjuro Keibatsu

Garusus Finkai

Shin’ichi Keibatsu

New Business:

Things are still moving along, my Team. We’ve had a few awards handed out, and I know of two exciting comps on the horizon; keep your eyes open, and be prepared to be among the first to usher in a golden age, for Clan, House, and Team glory!


Shin got a Grand Cross of the Dark Side, and an Amethyst Crescent!

SA Courses Passed:

Shin passed both Imperial AND Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech!!

**New Members:<b>

None as of this writing


None as of this writing


Run the Gauntlet, ends 9/25/07

SA Trivia, ends 11/2/07

SA Trivia (renewal) ends 1/26/08

Naga Sadow Trivia Challenge, ends 4/22/07

The Scion of Artemay, ends 7/10/07

A Seng Karash Night Spot, ends 5/7/07

DB Custom 404, ends 4/25/07

<b>Ink Blotches:</b>

I want to take this opportunity to thank Shin once more; we’re just a few weeks out of the RoS, and he has done the right thing by moving forward and continuing to operate at the level I expect the team to be at. He’s done quite a few things as you can see, getting recognition for his Academy work and placing in a competition. Further, this is the activity of a 9 year member; that he has managed to remain excited about the Team, House, Clan and Club is a testament to his dedication. Shin, you continue to be an inspiration to us all.

As for myself, I’ve been very busy in the ACC. Opening battles, judging them, and the like. We all have a part in the DB’s continued glory; ask yourself, “What have I done to help the club?” You shouldn’t have to search too hard for an answer…

The AWOL check has been extended, granted, but it’s that kind of activity that will ensure your place at the Serpent’s table. Trust and believe, you WANT to be a part of what’s on the horizon!!!

In service,

DJK Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Jade Serpents’ Tetrarch

Judge of the ACC

Apprentice to The Abomination of Kyataru

Black Guard to Shikyo ‘Rurouni’ Keibatsu


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