Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<img src="" alt= “Aedile Report”>

From Cernunnos, Morroth

Beta Base

Yet another Aedile report by me, Niman Visutor...


In- Khrysthalia Kara El



  • Niman Visutor- Seal of Loyalty, Crescent with Sapphire Star

  • Arcadian- Cluster of Fire

  • Gaius Julius Caesar- Cluster of Fire X 10

  • Vexer Thrace- Crescent with Topaz Star, ark Side Scroll

  • Kaliidrad "Kal" Mortashka Vorrac- Crescent with Topaz Star


  • Kyber- Novice

  • Vexer Thrace- Dark Jedi Knight


Lots of them, so just click here.


The QUA report will list all the details but I know we have the BT war started, and the Senate elections coming up.


I’ve seen better weeks, but it was okay. All of you BT members start working on the BT war, and have fun. That’s all for this week folks. You’ve been a terrible audience, and as always: ‘May the Force be with you!”

Darkest Sincerities,

DJK Niman Visutor (Krath)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:3]

 SC / DC-SP / Cr-2A-6S-4E-4T-3Q / CF-PF / LS / S:-2D-2Do  

{SA: KS: ToL - AS - IRC - LF - HTML1 - ACC - CM - D: KCORE - TW - FA - FP - HS1 - HSII - HSIII - PRH - MED - RO - AST - TS - LS - MRK}

~Master if Jagan

~Aedile of House Satal Keto

~Vidame of Khurr

~Prodigy of Plagueis

~Director of Relations at Sistros Acquisitions and Holdings

~Learner in the ACC

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