Consul Report


Consul Report

Members of the Clan:

Another unit of time - somewhere in the proximity of seven days - has passed us by and I find it time to deliver yet another report. In each of these 'messages' I try to take a fundamental truth of Brotherhood, or life, and relate it in terms each person understands. Today, I will continue the trend in hopes that each of you take my words to heart...

Let us begin!

IRC Etiquette

It is easy to get swept up in carefree attitude of IRC chat. I've often explained IRC as a cess pool of immaturity and vulgarity (primarily concerning #db) and continue to hold some of those beliefs as truths. It is my honest opinion and suggestion that each member - and, specifically, those whom are targeted by outside harassment - remain in #scholae and venture into other channels infrequently.

Likewise, I expect each of us to maintain a degree of civility in #scholae. There is a PG13 restriction on the channel from 6 AM EST until 9 PM EST. Simply, the Clan Leadership asks you to refrain from vulgar or questionable material that may intrude upon the family atmosphere we strive to provide. This is not an absolute rule, but it is a strongly enforced guideline.

Everyone cuts loose once in a while and gets crazy. I just ask that you know when to take it to Private Message (PM) or a separate Channel.


I've seen a dramatic dip in CSP involvement in Gaming Nights, Sunday Invitational Tourneys (SIT) and JA Training Nights. A lot of this is related to the downward spiral of urgency and necessity after a Brotherhood-wide Vendetta, but I encourage everyone to make it a priority to participate in at least six (6) matches in a week. This will definitely ensure your eligibility in the Sunday Invitational Tourney - an event that Scholae Palatinae has a strong heritage of dominating.

The importance of strong activity in the SIT is related to the appointment of the new Tribune: Gaming, and his desire to award active Clans with squadrons of ships or ground forces to bolster the Clan's prowess in battle. This is a necessity for our ever-expanding Clan... lets do some good for the Clan!

CSP Summer Games

Beginning in May, Scholae Palatinae will begin a new summer tradition known as the Summer Olympiads. A series of competitions, ranging from very easy to extremely in-depth, will create a fun, relaxed atmosphere in the Clan. The competitions are being finalized, the web site is nearly complete... and the fun, fun, fun will be unlimited!

There will be ten (10) competitions for every individual to participate in - it is my hope that each of you will take the time to submit to each event and earn yourselves some nifty medals, promotions points and make the event something we can all embrace. Upon the conclusion of these games, both Houses will launch their own competitions to keep you involved in the time leading up towards the Seventh Great Jedi War.

The Message

We are culpable for every action and non-action.

However, I would like to refine this point: we are culpable for the rights of every member. We, as a Clan, must defend those whom are unable, or unwilling, to protect themselves from the injustices of others.

If a member - regardless of rank - violates the code of conduct we have established as a Clan, and club, we must have the courage to confront it. Even the eldest of members will be prone to mistakes and slip-ups in conversations that, generally, get out of hand. But you, as a member, are not powerless to stop a conversation that you find as degrading or hostile.

If such a situation arises... ask, politely, for those members to cease. If they do not, ask once more in a private message. If they insist on continuing, contact a member of the Clan Summit and express your concern and displeasure of the current conversation. Once your house or clan leader are informed, the activity will be handled by that individual... and you are asked to remain neutral and removed.

Should none of these avenues work, you must e-mail the Consul - myself in this instance - and express your concerns. The actions of others will handled at that time. Should they not be, you are to contact the Grand Master & Deputy Grand Master.

If we do not hold ourselves, and others, accountable for what they say and do... we begin traveling a path that does not mere the ideals and values we have worked so hard to establish.

Rest assured, Scholae Palatinae, you are a beacon of light, of goodwill and fairness to those whom hold your values close to heart. Continue to feed this message and you will become something extraordinary.


Thank you for hearing me out. I know a lot of my 'words' recently have been geared towards values, mission statements and right action; however, I feel it is important to continually address these points. If we make a conscientious effort to respect every member, not just a select few, we will set a new standard for the Brotherhood.

Otherwise... the AWOL is done, the Summer Games are nearly upon us, the Seventh Great Jedi War is on the horizon... and CSP needs to return to its dominance of Gaming Nights & SIT!

Let a new week of prosperity begin!

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kaeth Kunar

Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Safeguarder of Sheep

Braecen Kunar (Krath Pontifex) / CON-M:MAA-GC-EP / Clan Scholae Palatinae

[GMRG: RG3-G] [PA: Elder] [ACC: CE:1]

AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-11R-18A-20S-8E-5T-1Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-AuL / SI-AuL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk

{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AL - L:PRH}

You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...

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