Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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Greetings Marka Ragnos,

Well, I haven’t been fully removed from the Aedile spot yet, so I took the liberty (of abuse) to write you a report (not really a report, more of a letter ;) )

So there I was, sitting at my desk staring at the IRC screen, my parents arguing in the back while my girlfriend was blabbing something through the phone on an angry tone (I usually just lay the horn down followed my some automatic ‘hmhm’ and ‘yes dear’) and there I was, feeling the pressure the RoS left on my and the guilt it gave me for not participating. What was I supposed to do now?

I didn’t attend to conclave last time, I missed out on a load of new things, and suddenly I felt I was left out, and that maybe, with all the crap going on back then, it was best to retire.

So I did, I spoke with Sildrin about it, since she is like my advisor on all kinds of stuff, and I really appreciate that sometimes, even when I don’t like what she says. I was falling down a road I walked once before, when I was in Arcona. You all know the rumors on how I fucked up. It was all about not taking a break when I should have. Afraid the scenario would have a crappy sequal, I did what I thought best, I quit the job.

To be honest, now that I look and still find the AED tag in my name while feeling not pushed to do anything rocks. I can choose to do something or absolutely nothing. It’s a nice kind of freedom, yet I do miss the interaction and the chance to have a say in stuff sometimes. But I guess the good comes with the bad.

If I am going to keep the job anyway? Who knows… maybe I will. I’d like to see members who can shine and break through. If they cant a good substitute, hell, I’d run the house for a while till they do.

I don’t know if you guys feel the same way, but when I see the huge events coming my way and I’m in a leadership seat and feel obliged to participate, I just don’t want to. It’s weird I know, but its what stopped me this RoS. I plan on rocking this GJW though.

Anyway, here’s my new, and I guess last, report from me. Hope you ass had fun reading.

In Darkness,

Ex-Aedile Ylith Atema

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Some people did submit to those Dark Council Question lists. Good Job :D

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I didn’t really check the medals, since I am officially not really an AED anymore. Anyway, those who did deserve medals: Congrats! :D

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A Huge Welcome to:

APP Munchion Caractar!

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Well, as a final word I’d just like to say that I apologize for my lack of activity during the RoS. Alright the event sucked more people than the office vacuum cleaner. That doesn’t mean I couldn’t participate to help CNS out. I’ve let the Clan down, my House down and myself down. Which sucks :P

Anyway, Participate in the CNS event! They are awesome in every way! I already submitted on the graphics! (link below, shown it in IRC many times so I guess its fine if I show it here)

Writing is being done and the Run On simply rocks!

Lets kick ass HMR, for old times sake ;)

GFX (tell me what you think ;))

Sith Battlemaster Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Atema

Member of Clan Naga Sadow, House Marka Ragnos

Ex-Aedile of Marka Ragnos

Fiction Staff Member - Writers Corner

Last of the Dragonlords

Twin brother of Tyren Atema

Black Guard of Xia Long

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