Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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Battleteam Leaders Report

Qel-Droma Phyle

House Galeres of Clan Arcona

Dark Jedi Knight Etah d’Tana

26 April, 2007

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Dark Jedi Knight Etah d’Tana stepped up to the holo-projector. He was wearing his red Royal Guard armor without helmet or cloak. The salty armor was bruised, beaten, bloody in places and was coated with some kind of slim which obviously meant that he had been in close contact with a Hutt. “Greetings my fellow Arconans!” He explained, his image crackling “We have been through the fire, and we have been burned. We dominated the feud, we survived the Rite of Supremacy but soon comes the Great Jedi War!” ** Etah paused. ** “But take heart!” ** he said banging on his chest **“We are Arcona and victory is in our grasp!” He smiles a toothy grin as his image fades.

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I am keeping this section VERY brief. It’s been a good long while since I have written a report. A good long while lol. A lot has happened A lot ! :P We did well in the feud as a battle team, completely dominating the feud graphics event. By the time the RoS came along a lot of us were lazy and couldn’t be arsed to do much (me included >.< ). I haven’t really demanded a lot out of you guys because I wanted to let you rest. The Great Jedi War is coming and I would really like a good showing. So this is the time to become active and began sharpening your skills whether they be graphics, fiction, gaming, ACC or all the above. Truthfully as long as we beat CSP I’ll be happy >.< :P

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Etah d’Tana

Jedi Hunter

Dark Jedi Knight

Joshua Santhe


Jedi Hunter

Orv Dessrx



Jedi Hunter

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Etah d’Tana

Bronze Nova

Crescent with Amethyst Star

Crescent with Quartz Star

Seal of Darkness

Seal of Darkness

Seal of Darkness

Orv Dessrx

Steel Cross

Crescent with Emerald Star

Crescent with Ruby Star

Crescent with Sapphire Star

Crescent with Diamond Star

Mejas Doto

Crescent with Sapphire Star

Steel Cross

Crescent with Sapphire Star

Ktulu Mizheray Xyler

Seal of Darkness

Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian

Crescent with Emerald Star

Xander Drax

Seal of Darkness

Joshua Santhe

Legion of the Scholar

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Loses and gains

*Loss: * Kandos Katarn

*Loss: * Xathia dan Locut'Hal

*Gain: * Joshua Santhe

*Gain: * Xander Drax

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Dark Jedi Knight Etah d'Tana

Dark Jedi Master Mejas Doto

Priest Ktulu Mizheray Xyler

Dark Jedi Knight Valnir Kayvaan Tiberian

Dark Jedi Knight Xander Drax

Jedi Hunter Joshua Santhe

Jedi Hunter Orv Dessrx

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Important Links

DB competitions

Arcona competitions list

Clan Arcona website

Shadow Academy

Antei Combat Centre

Dark Brotherhood wiki

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*DJK Etah d'Tana (Obelisk)/TET/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [KSOE: AENV] [ACC: CL:1] *

" We hold the Shadows in our souls "

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