'Neverending combat'
Write a poem telling about the light between LIght and Dark jedi and about the light and dark sides of the Force.
Why do they fight between eachother? Are there any reasons or ultimate goals, what happened that started the combat centuries ago, which still lasts today?
The poem must be at least 20 lines long, written either in .doc or .txt.
Font doesn't matter. :o)
Submit to Tiss: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
'And now for something a little less pleasant...'
You must write a scene for a movie script. You can still include detailed descriptions before dialogue in italics to set a scene or a mood. Also make sure to include lighting, camera directions. . .things like this.
Before the dialogue begins, I want detailed character descriptions of each person used in the scene. It doesn't have to be an entire script, in fact, I only want one scene. But in that scene I want something powerful. The scene must revolve around one of the following: Death, Torture, Destruction, Pestilence, Famine.. yea, dark stuff. And make sure it stays that way.. no taking the happy side of things. They are still fairly general topics and you can take a number of plots with them. I'll judge based on character development through the script and dialogue.. and the actual strength and impact that you pack into one scene. One page min.
Submit in .txt to Ciara ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Closing date for both competitions: 30th October
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