Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Welcome to the post birthday report.

As you all no doubt imagine, I have been predrinking for the celebration and then had to get together with friends to actually do the celebrating yesterday.

Your Quaestor is a quarter century old, sadly, 9 and a half of those years have been spent here in the DB :P

Lots of things to note in my monthly, but hopefully biweekly reporting period.

Ashura has departed for the rogues, we wish him well and hope that he returns when he is able.

Drodik has ascended to the position of Aedile HOO, love him for it. In his wisdom he has opened new competitions, that I believe are fun and interesting.


Some kind of event with the Aedile fiction story

(yet the winner gets to nickname the Aedile and he has to stick with it)...interesting I'll be submitting.

We've had lots of promotions and RoS medals awarded among the house members and I would like ot congradulate everyone on their acheivement. Looking good for the GJW.

We've got a Phyle on the move, and what looks to be the beginnings of a Battle Team war between Galeres and HOO, I have Callus' word that we'll kick some ass.

I woke up with an eye patch on this morning....black, strange.....I left it on of course, because that is what one does when one is faced with this type of situation. I have been driving, out and about, at the mall, and such, and have heard encouraging words for the sorry state that I am in. However nobody has asked about the patch yet....perhaps they are too kind.

We've got a new Fiction Tribune and new competitons DB wise...get on them.

Malidir has resigned QUA of Galeres, hit them while they are down and out!!! and if I were a power hungry Dark Jedi, I'd apply to be the QUA by emailing the Consul, Strat at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

All of you should be checking out the new site and filling in the ATR portion..... http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/

That's enough of me

As always, if you need me get me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or of course you can contact the Aedile at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Have a good one people

KE Alex

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