Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Phoenix Phyle Report #5

Dark Jedi Knight Vodo Biask sifted through the week’s accumulated junk and mail, sorting out what was important, and what wasn’t. After discovering some long overdue orders from a superior, Vodo rushed to finish the project, and then returned to his new found duties as Sergeant of Phoenix.

The Sergeant compiled all the news of the past few days into a small document for his charges, and sent it via the Brotherhood’s internal holonet server to his superiors and to the members Phoenix Phyle. Simultaneously, all five Tyro’s, Troopers, and Flight Members received their Fifth Report from him as Sergeant.

Great Job Phoenix! Dark Sabre, Bubbles, and I were awarded for our participation in the RoS, and all three of us received some fairly heavy awards. Congrads to DS and Bubbs for their crosses. Otherwise, a fairly bland week as they go. I finally saw Avenged on mIRC, and I would like to see more of everyone else. You’ll get to know the clan a lot better, and perhaps people all over the Brotherhood. If you haven’t yet downloaded it, you can find it at http://mirc.com/

There is a course at the Shadow Academy for learning to use and operate the program. The use of mIRC is not required, but it’s smiled upon by the powers that be. Look for an Inter-battle team competition in the near future. We’ll be facing off against Hex Battle Team!

Also, at the bottom of this report, you’ll find ten trivia questions. The first person to turn in all the right answers to me before the next report will receive a shiny. There are medals for second and third, so it pays to play.


RICCO IS THE NEW T:F!!!! Yay for Taldryan! Oh, the Brotherhood too…

As such, he has posted the monthly topics for May. They can be found here at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2609.

There is weekly SA Trivia on the message boards. I won last week, with very little effort. All you need do is search Wookiepedia for the pages Anshar has taken his questions from. You get a Legion of the Scholar for winning, so it’s worth a try right?

On the topic of the Shadow Academy, Dranik was awarded the Amethyst Kukri for his work as the Head Master’s Praetor. So Congrads to him.

The Bryar Bowl is still ongoing, and rumor has it, Taldryanites are the winningest faction so far…


Still slow on the Clan Front. The Bryar Bowlier is in full swing, and Duga has his hands full.

The only thing notable is Shadow’s resignation as the Proconsul of Taldryan. We’ll miss him, and hope he stays around to chat and thrust…



Hav Daggari:

Dark Sabre Taldrya:

1x Steel Cross


1x Dark Cross

Vodo Biask:

1x Anteian Cross

1x Crescent with Amethyst



Hav Daggari:

Dark Sabre Taldrya:


Vodo Biask:






http://www.freewebs.com/phoenixphyle/ (under construction)



  1. What is the cell number Luke claims to have transferred Chewie from while attempting to rescue Princess Leia off the Death Star?

  2. Who provides the voice for C3-PO in the original Trilogy?

  3. What Actor portrayed Darth Vader in the Costume for the Original Trilogy, but not for the voice?

  4. Who dubbed the voice for Darth Vader in the Original Trilogy?

  5. What color is the Naboo Starfighter?

  6. How long was Padmé's term as queen?

  7. What is Tatooine's capital city?

  8. What type of craft did Darth Vader send all over the galaxy to locate Luke?

  9. Leia's Corvette is named the?

  10. Type of blaster pistol used by Han Solo?

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