Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

-New Aedile

-Competitions: Current and Upcoming

-Oni Okami's Office

Ok, it's been three months since I did a report, so I REALLY need to do one.

New Aedile:

Ylith resigned due to real life matters and in his place, Nekura Manji Keibatsu has stepped up. Some people have told me they were disappointed because they did not get the position, others have expressed concerns about him as Aedile. Honestly, I am honored to have Manji as my Aedile. He has been an astonishing leader for House Marka Ragnos and I look forward to working with him to make the house thrive once more.

Competitions: Current and Upcoming:

Malisane has hooked us up with a clan-wide ocmpetition that is for individual shinies and a chance for people to stand out and show their arse-kickery. There is a runon going on, as well as fiction and graphics competitions. So, that is something to check out.

Also, I want to inform everyone that the GJW will be coming up soon. This is our chance to take on the other clans of the Brotherhood and to show them how strong we are. I hope that everyone will be geared up for this one and I look forward to a lot of submissions this time around.

Oni Okami's Office:

I want to emphasize something today: communication. In a world where people can be found anywhere on the world and you can call someone for just about anywhere in the world, communication should be easy to use at your discretion. However, sometimes people are afraid to do so because they have a title or a position. Like I told someone, "Quaestor is a title. A title means nothing unless someone gives it a meaning." I know I am a Quaestor, I know Manesh is a Consul, and I know Sarin is the Grand Master. However, we are people and we can be talked to about anything you would like to talk about.

Also, remember to have fun and enjoy all of this! It's a game and it's a club. We're here to have fun, we're here to dominate, and when the GJW comes, we'll be here to destroy anyone who challenges us! That's it, see ya in Margaritaville!!

-SBM Shikyo "Rurouni" Keibatsu

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Fourth Caste of the Inner Order

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