Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Crimson Vanguard Status Report.

Hello everyone, latley there has been many things happening in our clan. Ricco Vao our Envoy has been hard at work with his new projects as the T:F (Fiction Tribune).

Crix and FK have been busy making improvements to our house. Dinaari and Ektrosis have also been working very hard honing their skills for the GJW (Great Jedi War). Many of us have been studying hard at the Shadow Academy, and working on our Trials.

The CV Caption comp ended on Monday the 14th. Rannik and Al’Meda added some shinnies to their trophy cases. The Kashi Mer Run-On ended a good while ago. The Archanis Pride forum thread is still up and available for you to show off your work, be it music, artwork, poetry, fiction, or anything else you made DB/Star Wars related. Stick figures welcome!

Recent BT news: Vyram Shrike has joined our unit and completed

the ACC

Initiates Course with a score of 81. Berta Tobur has completed the AOL Instant Messenger course with a score of 91. Congratulations Berta and Vyram.

Promotions: None so far.

Up coming and current events: the Fiction Tribune’s poetry and fiction comp is currently running, here are the details.,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2624

Final Artifacts: A new competition opens to all of Taldryan. This is a graphics design competition, you can find the details here:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2623

Super Happy Awesome Fun Time: CTF Edition: A Jedi Outcast gaming competition (yes!) you can find the details here:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2622

Congratulations go to our newest member Vyram Shrike! Welcome again. Good work on the SA courses people. For all you SW gamers out there the DJB has gaming nights and the ICTE (Inter Club Training Event) and the SIT (Sunday Invitational Tournament) available for you to get your game on and earn some CF’s (Clusters of Fire). Gaming is a fun way of meeting people in our club and also can get you some shiny medals.

I have been working on some small images possibly to be used for the BT on the forums. Shortly they will be posted for all to see, if you are into doing graphics let me know and we’ll see what we can come up with.

That’s all for now.

In Darkness

JH Daar Kareth (Sith)/CMDR/Archanis of Taldryan [PA: ACO] [ACC: INI]

Cr-1A-1S-3E-1Q / CF-PF / DSS / S:-6Do-5Dk

{SA: KS: ToL - AS - IRC - ACC - FP - HS1 - HSII - HSIII - O: SCORE}

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