Consul Report


Consul Report

CNS Consul Report #45 - May 26th, 2007

I have a huge headache. Maybe it was the food I had for dinner. Some friends and I ate at a French restaurant, but I don't really like French food. I'm a bigger fan of Italian and Thai food. And Chinese take-out too.

Or maybe I'm just feeling sick because a nightmare I used to have is coming back to haunt me. I'm almost falling asleep as I write this report, so if it's not at the usual level of awesomeness you expect from my reports, I hope you understand. :P

Total CON Emails: 34

  1. Attacking the Clones

We're entering the last week of the "Attacking the Clones" competition. In fact, it ends on June 1st, which is Thursday. I have two poetry, one fiction, and apparently one graphic submission (pending the resolution of somet technical difficulties). I am aware of a couple of people who say they're working on submissions.

This has already been repeated several times, but I'll repost what Ashia linked in an earlier email. Here are the events:





The Scoring:

The Run-On:

  1. Manesh's SA Challenge

As voted on last week, I did take the Chamber of Justice course. However, it has been maybe 4 days and it still has not been graded yet. I could talk about the experience though. The Chamber of Justice notes and exam are quite long. The exam was 43 questions, and the last 5 are somehwat involved. I can understand why only 12 people have passed that exam since it came out. I remember when some of the other new exams came out, like History of the Sith Empire....dozens of people took those courses, probably because they're not so involved.

This is the part where I encourage members to take the exam I just took. Well, that's asking a lot of you guys, so I'll understand if you don't take it. However, if you do want to take it, be sure to set aside at least an hour. I like to read the course notes and then take the exam. It just feels more honest that way.

However, I can say that for work we have to take these "ICS" online courses. Basically anybody who's even peripherally involved in emergency response in the US is supposed to take them, which means that several million people have taken them. They're very similar to SA courses, in that there are online notes and an online exam, allowing me to have the notes open and searchable while I do the course notes. The exam is even multiple-choice. Heh. I actually did go through the course notes before taking the exam, because I guess it's in my personality to try to actually learn things. But alas, now I go off topic.

As for this week, you guys have voted, and the Test of Wisdom (Advanced) has won. I will attempt to take the regular Test of Wisdom and then hopefully take the Advanced version. I still haven't taken Advanced Poetry yet. However, when I do I will try to share my poems with you guys.

I'm too tired to put together next week's poll. So, I'll do that tomorrow.

Oh yeah, 10 SA courses were passed this week. I'm glad you guys are passing more SA courses. Don't forget that the Headmaster has a competition to see who can pass the most SA courses in a two-week period.

  1. Open Positions in the DB

I assume you've read Muz's report. If not, he mentions some open positions, including P:DGM and T:DV. He did mention Plagueis Consul but that position seems to have been filled already.

But yeah, please apply for those positions while they're still open.

  1. Journeyman Trial Updates

This is particularly important to those of you who are stil doing your trials. Not in a bad way though. You know how most of the journeyman trials are of the form "Do THREE of the following..."? Well, we've given you another choice at several ranks. If you do work on a CNS-related wiki pages, it will count towards your promotion requirements. Macron has been the one coordinating the effort to figure out which pages need work, so if you're looking to complete this requirement, check with him. Check them out at:

We are also working on incorporating more detailed ACC accomplishments as additional options for the trials as well. Hopefully I will get to adding them soon.

  1. Promotion

There were three promotions this week, including Tal Kol, who had a remarkable string of SA course completions.

  1. Medals

Raven was awarded a Steel Cross. Hooray!

  1. Gaming

This week, Nik-Qui-Kux earned 1 CF and Saradomin earned 1 CF in weekly gaming. Good work.

A bunch of us participated in the ICTE today, and I know I earned a bunch of CFs, considering it was a double CF Saturday. The gaming section will be much more interesting tomorrow. Don't forget about the Sunday Tournament, since several of you will undoubtedly qualify.

  1. Conclusion

And now I go to sleep. plop

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