Consul Report #12
May 26, 2007
As you may have noticed, this is my twelth Consul report. I say that because I wrote eleven during my last reign, and I'm continuing the number. Now, it's true. I am once against Consul of glorious Clan Plagueis. I'm going to take a moment to answer the question that I'm sure many of you are asking, or complaining to Sarin about
Why did I resign last time? Or to those that were here: What makes this time any different?
Well, last time I said in my "final" report that I was resigning due to real life business. This was somewhat true, but there were also other things happening internally. I'm not going to waste your time explaining everything to you, for one it would take far too long, but in the end Sarin and I agree that I probably should have stayed as Consul, so now here I'm am to finish what I started.
First off, excuse the crappiness of this report, I'm currently looking into getting some graphics. The awesome layout I used for my other reports was made by Salth, and when he went Rogue it seems you took down the images used in the layout, so now I'm stuck with nothing. I'm working on it, though, so don't worry.
Now, it looks like the Great Jedi War is going to be starting late-June, early-July, so that gives us about another month until that comes up. I want the Great Jedi War to be our top priority, so I'm not going to be starting any major competitions or projects until after it ends. Really all I'll work on this month is finishing up the projects almost complete, as well as tieing up any lose ends left by Orzon/Bubba.
One thing I have done, though, is started my monthly competitions again. For those who don't know about them, I have three competitions that award members monthly for Shadow Academy courses passed, ACC battles payed, and Clusters of Fire earned. To those in House Exar Kun, I'm aware Jagan is running something like this, we're working on a solution. The competitions are titled: Game, Game, Game | Warrior of Plagueis | Shadow Training | Plagueis Trivia
You can look on the competition page and found out which one goes with which award. The trivia one I hope to do bi-weekly, but it depends. I'll also probably run a quick fiction competition, just to keep you guys busy and ready for the Great Jedi War. From the looks of it, though, our hosue leaders are doing pretty well keeping you guys busy with competitions. Rather you actually participate is up to you, though :P
To give you guys an idea of what I have on my To-Do list for the next few months, here is a short Projects List. Now, you can expect this to change, of course. It all depends on the forces of nature. Also, this is not a complete list of projects, just some ones I figured I would post here and let you guys know about. Some of these projects will be handled by the Quaestors and Proconsul, my project slave :P
Finish Feudal System - Bubba started this project, so we will of course finish it. This project is on hold until Bubba gets back from his trip, though, especially since he has all the documents and files.
Wiki Articles - Some of you may know how a few of our Wiki articles have had problems lately. Well, I'm gonna first of all fix those problems, and then I'll also make sure that all of our articles are up to date and complete. Since I'm on the WikiStaff, this'll be a lot less time consuming, although I'll probably need volunteers to help with whatever I need help with.
Revise Sistros - Right now Sistros is just there. It isn't actually used for anything. I want to fix this, although this'll probably happen after the Great Jedi War.
Clan Powers and Possessions - I'd like to revise these, update them, and make them useful rather then useless. Again, something we'll work on after the Great Jedi War.
Now, this week is my last week of school, so expect super activity from me during the summer. Expect a Consul report every bi-weekly at least, weekly if there is something good to report on. In the future I'll start to put more information in these reports. This one was done is a bit of rush, just so I can get one out and get things rolling.
I expect to do great things, and expect Clan Plagueis to do great things. Like I said, right now the Great Jedi War is our main priority, so let's go out and make sure we kick ass!
Sith Battlelord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor
Consul of Plagueis
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