_Leadership it is something we crave, both to possess and to have. Guidance amongst the deadly intrigues of the Brotherhood, filling a void we all yearn to fill. It is what separates the strong from the weak, for the ability to stand together is what makes a Clan strong more than any individuals skills. It is this ability, and this alone, that makes or breaks even the mightiest group, for even the lightsaber is useless without hands to guide it.
And it is a responsibility. It means taking responsibility for actions, for_ any action undertaken by those you lead. It is a burden but should you succeed, it holds the greatest satisfaction you can ever find among the Brotherhood.
The thoughts rang stoically through Timeros mind as he stood in Selen citadel, elevated once again to the position of Proconsul Arcona.
Am I ready for this?
And, as Strategos proclaimed the Archpriest his right hand man, another, more sinister thought emerged.
Are you ready for me?
And thats weekly, not weakly, for all of you literately challenged people. :P Now that I have regained my position of Proconsul, I am planning to resume my reign of terro- er, job as Head Slave to the greatest Clan in the Brotherhood! Expect this thing to be more filled with (somewhat) useful info than ever before, expect more updates and more enthusiasm than you have ever beheld, more changes to the Clan than yet seen expect, in short, nothing less than the best!
The whole of Dajorra is filled with the lamentations of women and the screams of children, for I art back as thy Proconsul! nuff said. Ive also been working on several projects during my absence from the title, the first of which I am hoping to announce within a weeks time. Stay tuned for updates ;)
*The News: *
Obelisk Exarch Sashar, better known to many as Dash, is the new Galeres Quaestor. Strat and I have carefully considered him before his taking up the position, and we believe he will do a truly splendid job at it.
In related news, Battleteam Qel-Droma has been shut down. The reasons for this were, I believe, adequately expressed by Dash. While Qel-Droma had a great history as a House, that history hindered its performance as a Battleteam, since it does not allow much in the way of creating its own backstory. Qel-Droma, as such, has been replaced by Cronal Cabal as Galeres new second Battleteam.
Will we see the return of Qel-Droma, one day? Yes. Qel-Droma deserves to be brought back, but as a House, the moment the Clan Summit feels it is prudent to do so.
Several Eclectic Pedagoge positions were filled by Arconans! Say hello to Etah, Eclectic Pedagoge of General Leadership, Kel Antar, EP: MSN, and Juda, EP: Sith History!
Arconas work on the Prospectus is advancing nicely, and the amount people were willing to help out with was, in a word, breathtaking. Jeez, guys! You almost made me run out of things to assign people to! :P
HAPPY BIRTHDAY STAR WARS! Yeah, I know Im late but I never claimed I wasnt slow. :P Anyway our favorite sci-fi movie is 30 years old by now, and for the most part, the period since has been a damn good ride filled with Star Destroyers, Death Stars, and outcries of Im your father!. All in all, Im glad the movies came out if they hadnt, its likely that we never would have met each other.
Finally, weve obtained second place in the SIT, separated by a hairs breadth from the top spot. Great going guys, keep it up!
Running competitions:
Several competitions have been sanctioned lately, mostly by individual members. Here they are
[Bas-Tyra] Sheild of Gethsemane
A Bas-Tyra competition to find out whos the pinnacle of the Battleteams activity! Requested by Callus, this will net fifth level Crescents for those who are deemed best in the Activity, Communications, and Morale departments. Tracking can be done by using the Activity Tracker on our webpage.
More details at:
Death of a Jedi.
As the title suggests, this competition revolves wholly around death specifically, your death. Write in fiction how you see yourself falling, with a length between 3 and 6 pages long. This one nets third level Crescents, so get cracking!
More details at: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2660
Send the results to Kieran at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
There are also several other competitions such as an ACCLive! Tournament (which Im mentioning only so I can boast about being in the finals :P), a Dark Voice competition and of course the ever-present Gaming Nights and ICTE. All in all, quite a bit to do and quite a few awards to gain!
A complete list of competitions can be found at:
Elevations and awards of note:
Not many, but one member who DOES bear mentioning is XarKahn, whos made third place in the ICTE. Congrats Xar!
Yes, its a new header, with a very special topic. As of today, we have our own webcomic, based on the regular antics in #arcona! This was made for us by Juda, whos excellent skills as an artist have already earned him much thanks from many of us (for all the awesome pictures :D)
Right now, Im looking into ways to properly host the comics but until then, well have to make do with putting them in the email attachments. Hope you all enjoy it! :D
Its good to be back. It really is. Once again, I have the feeling that I can be a true asset for the Clan, and Im planning on being even more dedicated to Arconas long-term health than before. Behind the scenes, the Summit is working furiously on improving matters more still and all the while, our Activity Trackers are filling up. Great stuff guys! ;)
Cyall online,
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