Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="BLUE"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>

With all the new members joining HSK, Bob thinks back to his days in the Shadow Academy......

One of the many professors of the Shadow Academy had just finished explaining an important research project to his class. He emphasized that this paper was an absolute requirement for passing his class, and that there would be only two acceptable excuses for being late. Those were a medically certifiable illness or a death in the appprentice's immediate family. A young Krath apprentice named Bob in the back of the classroom waved his hand and spoke up. "But what about extreme sexual exhaustion, professor?" As you would expect, the class exploded in laughter. When the students had finally settled down, the professor froze the young man with a glaring look. "Well," he responded, "I guess you'll just have to learn to write with your other hand."

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="BLUE"> <tr> <td>REPORT SUMMARY</td> </tr> </table>

  • Clan Consul

  • Satal Victus Commander

  • Promotions and Awards

  • Coming and Going

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="BLUE"> <tr> <td>KETO NEWS</td> </tr> </table>

#001 - Clan Consul

New Consul = Battlelord Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor

#002 - Satal Victus Commander

As I stated this week, Arcadian is the new Commander of Satal Victus. The team is in need of new members, so if you are interested please contact either myself or Commander Arcadian.

#003 - Promotions and Awards

Big CP props go out to Obelisk Templar Julius Caesar for his promotion and Guardian Wuntilla on his Dark Cross!

#004 - Coming and Going


APP Rosa Cattivo

APP ferious

APP vampre

APP Krazen

APP Dack korto


NOV Rosa Cattivo -> Transfer

PRT Senka Rakesh -> AWOL

ACO crait -> AWOL

NOV Uzenagi -> AWOL

NOV Valeria -> AWOL

NOV Illianya Anistatius -> AWOL

NOV Zhar Shan -> AWOL

NOV Havik -> AWOL

NOV Shade wolf -> AWOL

APP Jacen -> AWOL

APP Kisame -> AWOL

APP ZondaC12 -> AWOL

APP Nemesis -> AWOL

<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="BLUE"> <tr> <td>CONCLUSION</td> </tr> </table>

Alright, lots and lots have happened recently. A big welcome to all the new members that have arrived recently, I look forward to working with each and everyone of you. The roster was cleaned up, so all the dead weight we've been carrying for months is gone.

House Envoy Caesar is currently having computer issues, so anyone needing to speak with him should be patient. If you have any immediate concerns or questions, myself and Aedile Kal are here to deal with them for you.

Lots of competitions continue, so participate. Check out the Competitions link on the main DB site for complete details.

There are many signs of distress among the clans right now and I'm afraid a Great Jedi War will errupt soon. So all members should be getting prepared to defend the honor of Clan Plagueis and wreak hell on the rest of the Dark Brotherhood.

That is all!

SBL Robert Daragon(Sith)/QUA/Satal Keto of Plagueis

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