Vodos time was being spent operating the mechanics of the Ektrosian Competition, the Ektrosis Cup. His desk was cluttered with paper work, and files left behind by the departure of the Queastor when he was promoted to Proconsul of Taldryan. This left the already untidy office of the Sergeant in a larger state of disrepair.
A small plaque on his wall announced Vodo as the Obelisk Sergeant of the Phoenix Phyle Team, though everyone knew, that as a Krath, he was actually a Tetrarch. No matter, he was what he was, and noted that the same mistake had been made with Tetrarch Joshman, an Obelisk, in the Hex Battleteam.
Then it suddenly hit him
Where was that medal recc. he had placed for Swaresu
Ok, great job so far PHOENIX!! W00!!! So far, in the Ektrosis Cup, our participation has been very strong, and were giving the Hex Battleteam a hell of a fight. I cant give out any details now, but be sure that you are all doing a great job. Lets keep it up, and see a bit more out of some of you youngins who havent shown up yet, and maybe Dark Sabre could bless us with his presence in maybe the fiction event or something?
The Great Jedi War is near, be sure to read the Dark Voice when it comes out. It will have details of the events and storyline. The Grand Master promises this GJW will be much more plot heavy and will actually impact the Brotherhood for years to come. Sounds good, right?
SBM Derev Niroth is the new DJB DV Tribune, so if you have an article to submit to the DV, shoot him an email.
Telona got a Sapphire blade for her work on the DV, and Muz got the DGM seat. Kaine Mandaala has taken back his old office of the Herald, and there are four new skins to choose from for the message boards.
TBA was booted out of the PCON spot for being a crappy Proconsul. His work was sub par, and never completed. Our very own Queastor and beloved whore Chaosrain was promoted to fill TBAs large shoes. Congrats and good luck to him.
Duga has begun healing from his massive RL injury, and is attempting to finish up the Second Round of the Bryar Bowl.
Crescent with Ruby (1st place, MT Graphics)
**Hav Daggari:<b>
<b>Dark Sabre Taldrya:</b>
<b>Vodo Biask:</b>
Crescent with Sapphire (2nd place, MT Poetry)
<b>Lauria Ballard:</b>
<b>Hav Daggari:</b>
<b>Dark Sabre Taldrya:</b>
<b>Lauria Ballard:</b>
ACC Initiates Course (72%)
Brotherhood Basics (97%)
<b>Vodo Biask:</b>
http://www.freewebs.com/phoenixphyle/ (under construction)
What Alien Fighter Craft was designed to resemble a TIE Interceptor?
What was Han Solos Planet of Birth?
What is the name of George Lucass special effects company?
In 4 ABY, how many Skywalkers were there, including those who went by another name?
During the reign of the Emperor, what was Corescant renamed to?
The name of Anakin Skywalkers Actor in the Prequel Trilogy?
What color was Lukes First Light Saber?
What does TIE stand for in TIE Fighter?
How much wider was the second Death Star than the First?
What was Luke Skywalkers call sign for his attack on the First Death Star?
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