Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


And once again, an email appears as if by magic into your inbox, chock-full of Arcona-related stuff, diatribes, declarations of emergency power and hot sweaty actions between Dash and the rest of Galeres.


This week’s been pretty productive. We’ve been working on multiple fronts and projects, and I’m glad to say things have so far worked out. There’s several things going on at the fictional development aspect, including a system of ‘Clan awards’ beyond the limited number we have already.

*The News: *

Strategos has gone on a Leave of Absence. He’s currently invading Germany and has so far encountered little resistance from any females present. :P Cheers to him and here’s to hoping that he’ll soon wave the CON-man flag over Berlin. In the meanwhile, come to me with any and all problems you may have.

Our Prospectus work is nearing completion, and it’s starting to look like a finished product now…take a look at it here:

There’s a vote at the Polling Center regarding the future of the Sunday Invitational Tournament. Should we be able to play our Clanmates, or not? If you have the time, please help out by voting there.

As I alluded to before, we’re working on a system of separate awards for the Clan and House. These won’t be DB-official, just a little something extra on the side for all of you guys…you know you deserve it ;) In that vein, OE Sashar has already awarded several Galerians with some new awards. Congrats to all of them :D

Running competitions:

Loads of new competitions this week! I’m happy and proud to see everyone as active and interested in helping out as you are now. You rock guys, keep it up!

_Death of a Jedi. _

As the title suggests, this competition revolves wholly around death…specifically, your death. Write in fiction how you see yourself falling, with a length between 3 and 6 pages long. This one nets third level Crescents, so get cracking!

More details at:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2660

Send the results to Kieran at: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Value competitions:

Bas-Tyra and Pandragon are both running activity competitions. So, should you be in one of those Battleteams, gear up and win yourself some shinies!

If you are not, but are still in HOO, you can still try to win by joining up with one. It’s great fun to be in a Battleteam, and it really helps to have a leader who watches over you specifically.

_Spot the differences: _

JScumm’s taken it upon himself to present House Oriens Obscurum with a competition of his own: Spot the differences! The basic setup is the same as all those puzzles we’ve all done when we were younger…two pictures, and make out the differences. One’s already been posted, but more are going to be on the way to be sure. :D Competitions will be posted on the message boards, and the answers should be sent to

[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

_You got what it takes? _

Yet another competition, this one by Rho d’Tana, XO of Cabal Cronal! This one’s meant specifically for House Galeres, and is a fiction competition meant to gain Cronal new members. There’s multiple topics to write about how you entered…good luck to all of you!

Send results to:

Orv - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Rho - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

More details at:,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=2683

_Galeres runon: the Coming Storm: _

And we have yet another competition! A runon by our new Galeres QUA Sashar! The runon can be found at:

I’m sure it’ll be brilliant…good luck all.

_Others: _

For a more complete listing of events, such as the ACC Piloting Championship, go here:

Elevations and awards of note:

None of any note, except that some schmuck called Timeros won the ACCLive! Championship. Meh :P


And yes! Here is what you’ve all been waiting and drudging through the report for! Another webcomic by Jedi Hunter Juda! We’ve decided to host it on the Arcona site from now on, so you’ll all visit that a bit more often too ;)

Without further ado, the new #arcona comic can be found here:


As always, I must say that I’m pretty happy with how things are going. People are active and dedicated to doing stuff and helping out wherever they can. The enormous list of competitions alone tells me that. Keep this up guys…if you do, that GJWs a foregone conclusion ;)

Cya’ll online,


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