Combat Master Report


Combat Master Report

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9 June 2007 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>

</td> </tr> <tr> <td> There was a little mishap with my reporting ability a few days ago, so I had placed the immediate changes on the Message Boards. However, I have been assured that its been fixed (thanks Jac) and am proud to offer the release of the new Handedness system for the ACC with the posting of this report - but you don't have to suffer reading the lot of it here, LOL, I've linked it for you. (For your convenience, I have left the other information as well)</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> HANDEDNESS</td> </tr> <tr> <td> You can see the new Handedness procedures in the Character Sheet Guide of the ACC Compendium. As the text cautions; please read the whole of it before sending me your questions, complaints and tantrums. Heck - I got a tantrum mail the other day and the system wasn't even out yet, LOL. Also - whatever you do - DO NOT associate this system with it's predecessor. The "old" DH and DH2 system is hereby abolished - members using it have until 1 July 2007 to update their CS's or the points they've allocated are rendered nil. Additionally - every active member of the ACC needs to update their CS as well; not just those with the old DH system - that is also by 1 July 2007. Now, I don't have the desire (or even the "fake power" :P) to 'make' anyone update their CS - but I'm hoping that you'd simply want to, especially considering the consequences for your character in the ACC if you don't - but that will only effect those who are active in the Centre...or who may become active if a DB wide comp rolls around.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> _Note: Before you get too crazy; a request has already been submitted to have the points for fighting skills slightly increased (rounded up) on the Character Sheets. _</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> As will all CS updates; this will also be the staff's chance to fix any issues. Previously approved items and things, that no longer fit (or may even have been approved "by accident") may require fixing on your part. We get so many CS's that I have to give kudos to those folks that try and succeed at squeezing their BS through - y'catch me off guard; or 'sweet talk' Brujah when he was around, or confused Halc while he was on one of his 300 approved CS's in one day binge, LOL -- that's fine. This time, I have 3 weeks to do it - plently of time. Also, I have been severely grumpy for goin' on 14 days (my leadership has been briefed :P) - I'm ready for a fight, LOL. Seriously; you'd be helping yourself out if your CS meets specs before you send it in for approval - novel idea, huh?</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> ARMOR</td> </tr> <tr> <td> Multiple additions to armor in a single custom slot are no longer allowed, except as it applies to the following;

  • The body (torso, arms to the wrists, legs to the ankles etc) of the armor itself may have a maximum of 1 non-weapon attachment (bio-monitor; heating/cooling etc), which does not include a helmet. Anything else must be addressed in another custom slot or not included.

Gauntlets/Boots that simply act as part of the body armor, with no ‘extra’ weapon function, may remain in the body armor portion and not be counted as the 1 attachment to the body portion, but they are not a given, they must be mentioned.

  • In that state, a “pair” of gauntlets may also possess only 1 non-weapon attachment, such as a communicator, which must be mentioned.

  • Should a Gauntlet (a pair, one of a pair or one) possess any extra ability that can be deemed a “weapon”, then the gauntlet must be placed in its own custom slot.

  • It is possible to have one gauntlet in the body armor section and one gauntlet in its own custom slot; just as it may be possible (and/or necessary) to have each gauntlet in their own custom slot.

    • Helmets will be addressed in a separate custom slot, with their own rating and will not have more than 1 of each; Visual function and/or Audio function other than a communicator. A communicator is a given standard for helmets and does not need to be addressed.

</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> WEAPONS</td> </tr> <tr> <td> ALL special weapon requirements that deal with rank, Order and/or society are abolished. In the ACC, all characters will be required to adhere to all platform rules and policies for weapon employment and availability.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Echani is suspended again, until further notice. Those who have presently been approved (unless approved by mistake) will be allowed to maintain the form until the Brotherhood-wide change is made to fighting styles, then you'll be in the same boat with everyone else.</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> The following decree is temporarily in place concerning weapons brought into an ACC battle

  • No member may carry more than 1 two handed weapon into battle, regardless of type.

No member may carry more than 2 weapons of a single weapon type into battle;

  • this includes 'special' weapons such as ACC Armory weapons and Award weapons.
  • This does not apply to Shurikens/Thrown weapons.

    • ALL Shurikens (and any small, thrown type weapons, not of another weapon type, that may be considered the same type in either appearance or purpose) are capped at 15.
    • No member may carry weapons of more than 3 weapon types into a battle.

*Notes: Single vs. Two handed weapons are established in the ACC's weapon databank, which is going through a few tweaks, but is generally "complete". A 'weapon' is the weapon itself; its 'type' is the category that the ACC has placed it in; ,i.e. a blastsword is a weapon, its type is 'sword'. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr>

</tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> That's all for this bunch of info -- Thanks for your time...</td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>

DJM Dalthid </td> </tr> <tr> <td>

20070609 </td> </tr> </table>

First Question: Would I be able to dual wield my saber and a custom weapon?

Answer: Yes, depending on your points. Every custom weapon has a "weapon type", thus falls into the skills required for that type.

Second Question: But if I have 5 in a custom weapon and a 0 in the standard type that it falls into - how does that apply?

Answer: Ahh, okay. Then you possess the knowledge in your own weapon, not the standard type. That means you can only use that custom weapon and none of its counterparts that may be of the same type. It still applies to dual use the same way though for lightsabres - just use the "type" the custom weapon is; I'm not going to make a "lightsabre + " table for every custom weapon in the ACC :)

Third Question: Does this new scheme affect my matches that are currently open before the scheme came into play?

Answer: Nope. It will effect "new" ones; the others will be allowed to run their course. If character changes are so drastic, then the battles might be rated a little lighter on CS skills.

This must be what rock bottom feels like.

Is that a question? :P

My custom 'weapon' is actually armor...but it's part of my body. Natural defenses and the like. How would that factor in? Do I just use it as is, or must I classify it as something else?

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