Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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_Sai entered his office, the electroluminescent lights automatically switching on as he crossed the threshold, and he noted the presence of his father’s katana hanging from its place above his desk. Settling into his chair, he was greeted by its usual creaks and groans, and he made a mental note, as he always did, to look into getting it replaced.

He took his calligraphy kit from the desk’s side drawer, along with a clean scroll of paper. After unfurling it across his desk, Sai selected a brush, dipped its bristles into the inkwell, and began to write:_


Tetrarch Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Adrian Kiarey

Horus Blackheart

Sanjuro Keibatsu

Garusus Finkai

Shin’ichi Keibatsu

Gllen Nadix

Tal Kol


New Business:

Here’s what’s been going on since the last report, 5/30/07:

Well, the CNS Attacking The Clones Comp has ended, and I’m feeling good about it. Regardless of what rewards may or may not come down, I feel as if I’ve ramped up and I’m very excited about the upcoming GJW. In the meantime, I know that a Historical Campaign is coming, so if you didn’t get a chance to participate in the Clan comp, you still have some opportunities to get active between now and the War.

Additionally, I'm thinking of hosting a graphics comp in the very-extreme-near-future, so get ye ready!!! ;)


Horus got an Anteian Cross!!!!

SA Courses Passed:

None as of this writing

New Members:

None as of this writing


None as of this writing


The latest Aedile Trivia comp is underway, and Macron has a Black Guard comp running. There is also a DV comp underway as well.

Ink Blotches:

I’m keeping it short this week, as my newborn son has wiped your beloved Tetrarch out!! I wouldn’t change things for the world, and it’s a bit weird, because I can’t imagine my life without him.

If you are an ACC participant, look for some e-mails from me in the very near future; I’ll be reaching out to every one of you, seeing what your take on the ACC is, and see what assistance I can grant you. If you don’t know, a MAJOR Character Sheet development has come down the pipe, and you want to take advantage of a bit of knowledge ahem I-am-a-JUDGE!!!-ahem. ;p

When you get a chance, clap Ashia Kagan Keibatsu on the back for her appointment as HLK’s Quaestor! Congrats, Ash!!!!

Ok. I’m tired. Stop the ride, I wanna get off….taking a nap now.

In service,

DJK Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Jade Serpents’ Tetrarch

Judge of the ACC

Apprentice to The Abomination of Kyataru

Black Guard to Shikyo ‘Rurouni’ Keibatsu

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