Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report


I'M BACK!!!!!

After an excrutiating internet drout... I once again can feel my tendrils in the fabric of cyberspace.

Since this is the first official report, let me officially say that I don't know what has gone on in my absence. With that in mind, bare with me as I try to make heads or tails of what has transpired and what needs to be done around here. Give me a week or so and I should be back up and running at full strength.

For those of you who are new and have not yet been welcomed, consider this your official welcome from you friendly Rollmaster. If you have ANY questions, ASK them. To me, there is no such thing as a stupid question, just inappropriate ones. I'm here to help and make sure things run smooth.

For those waiting for promotions... bug Mune till I'm set to tell him myself. (which I'll let you know when I'm back to 100%)

For everyone else... I missed you guys.


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