Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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Report, Jade Serpents, 6/17/07

_Sai entered his office, the electroluminescent lights automatically switching on as he crossed the threshold, and he noted the presence of his father’s katana hanging from its place above his desk. Settling into his chair, he was greeted by its usual creaks and groans, and he made a mental note, as he always did, to look into getting it replaced.

He took his calligraphy kit from the desk’s side drawer, along with a clean scroll of paper. After unfurling it across his desk, Sai selected a brush, dipped its bristles into the inkwell, and began to write:_


Tetrarch Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Adrian Kiarey

Sanjuro Keibatsu

Garusus Finkai

Shin’ichi Keibatsu

Gllen Nadix

Tal Kol


New Business:

Here’s what’s been going on since the last report, 6/10/07:

All concerned are still eagerly awaiting the CNS Attacking The Clones Competition results; we’ve been assured that they are forthcoming!

You may notice that our roster is leaner this week; perfectly fine in this particular case, as one of our most esteemed members has ascended to another level of greatness! Please congratulate Horus Blackheart on his appointment as HLK Aedile! Though he will be missed as a member of the Serpents, he will be able to aid us on an even greater level as Aedile! Just another example of how the Serpents breed Excellence in Leadership!


None as of this writing

SA Courses Passed:

Shin’ichi passed Weapons Basics!

New Members:

None as of this writing


Horus was appointed HLK Aedile!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Run the Gauntlet, ends 9/25/07

SA Trivia, ends 11/2/07

SA Trivia (Renewal), ends 1/26/08

Dark Voice Logo, ends 6/30/07

For the Empire!, ends 5/6/08

The Scion of Artemay, ends 7/10/07

June MT’s, ends 6/30/07

CNS-Macron’s Black Guard, ends 6/18/07

Proconsul’s Dark Side Trivia Competition, ends 7/4/07

CNS Historical Campaign #6, ends 6/27/07

HLK Quaestor’s Report Trivia, ends 8/12/07

**Whew! As you can see, there’s PLENTY to do, from short-term to ongoing, from trivia and fiction to gaming and graphics, from House and Clan level to DJB-wide! Anybody who says there’s nothing to do, quite frankly, isn’t looking hard enough! ;)

Ink Blotches:

Well, let’s see. I’m loving Fatherhood and learning, as my son is, everyday. It has kept me away from the DB for a bit, but as with all things in this Life, the key is finding a healthy balance. Yes, my love of things Jedi and Star Wars is borderline obsessive, and I was truly humbled to find that my obsession over my son’s wellbeing DWARF’s my concern over other things. I encourage you all to find your own balance in this life, and you’ll find that your enjoyment of all the aspects therein will increase tenfold! But, back to ‘business’…

Truly, the latest appointment of Horus should be a glaring reminder of our BT’s elite status. Ashia, Macron, Horus, Shin’ichi…all high-ranking, successful DB members and all Jade Serpents members at one point or another. It truly is awe inspiring!!!

I participated in the Quaestor’s Survey. I have been busy in ACC administration, and I have initiated an ACC Initiative; check your e-mails for the particulars! ;) I have received two responses thus far, so that tells me that some of you are still out there! Remember: the Summit and myself are only leaders if we have members to lead. Make your voices heard and drop us a line or three! We want to make your time here enjoyable, but we need to know what it is you’d like to do.

In service,

DJK Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Jade Serpents’ Tetrarch

Judge of the ACC

Apprentice to The Abomination of Kyataru

Black Guard to Shikyo ‘Rurouni’ Keibatsu

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