Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Shame on us, for all we have done.  God have mercy on our dirty little hearts


Masters pay close attention to the section dealing with the Master/Student Program. Everyone else if you skip the rest of the report read the Closing Thoughts section.


Anteian Cross (AC) awarded to SW Horus Blackheart;

Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to SBM Malisane De Ath;

Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to SBM Shimura "Xhedias" Keibatsu (x4);

Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to SBL Quejo Rak'ul Drakai (x7);

Cluster of Fire (CF) awarded to DJK Vladek Solander (x2);

Scroll of Foundation (SOF) awarded to SBL Quejo Rak'ul Drakai (x5); and,

Scroll of Foundation (SOF) awarded to SBM Draken-Korin 'Ylith' Elariël Atema (x2).

The number of awards has decreased again since last time. We need to step it up.


Scott Nightwalker APP to NOV;

Frorrl Steinshen APP to NOV;

Scuslem APP to NOV;

Xar'Ekun APP to NOV;

Dessel Orbalisk APP to NOV;

Dessel Orbalisk NOV to ACO;

Xar'Ekun NOV to ACO;

Nero Pennant NOV to ACO; and,

Aegeus ACO to PRT;

It’s good to see our newest members getting their hands dirty and grabbing those promotions.

Shadow Academy:

Scuslem passed Dark Brotherhood Basics;

Tyren "Ryuujin" Atema passed Dark Brotherhood Basics, and Weapons Basics;

Nero Pennant passed ACC Initiates Course;

Dessel Orbalisk passed Sith Core, Training Saber Course, and AOL Instant Messenger;

Xar'Ekun passed Training Saber Course, Sith Core, AOL Instant Messenger and IRC Basics; and,

Shimura "Xhedias" Keibatsu passed Weapons Basics.

Good work guys. For all you new people remember the Shadow Academy is the best way to attain those first few promotions.


two members back from the Rogues:

Jade; and,

Aticus 'Khaos' Kashu.

Welcome Back.

The Master/Student Program:


Malisane De AthDavin Olar

Muz Keibatsu SadowDace Kusan


Vladek SolanderDaunte Kashu

Shin’ichi Endymiron KeibatsuGllen Nadix, Tsingtao

Shikyo KeibatsuDeprimereus

This is the Master/Student List as it stands right now. Nothing has changed since my last report. Masters I require an update on your students this week. Please have them to me no latter than 2359 hours EST. In the subject line state “MSP Progress Report”. I need to know what they’ve done, what they need to do for their next promotion, and any problem areas such as gaming or writing that you are unable to help them with so that we may acquire an appropriate tutor to get them through said areas of struggle. Please cc Horus on these as well.

Closing Thoughts:

What is going on? Honestly Clan what is going these days? We’ve got a hand full of active members, almost no communication from newer members to the veterans and visa versa, and an abundance of super-dickery which is only going to lead to ass-kickery.

We need to move beyond our own self-absorbed childish whims and work for the betterment of the Clan. When we joined CNS we weren’t just joining a club we were making a commitment to our brothers and sisters within the clan. To let your friends down by throwing tantrums and not participating is both ridiculous and asinine. We need to pull together, look to the clan for inspiration and do what needs to be done.

Mark my words people there’s a new Sheriff in town (Read: Sarin and his deputy Muz) and if he sees something isn’t working as it should and it can’t be fixed he’ll junk it and move on. I know that no one wants that legacy hanging over them because even if you move to a different clan you’ll always be known as one of the members who let CNS die.

This rant is more for the older members but don’t think that you n00bs are off the hook. Not a single one of you can complain if you don’t make an effort to communicate and participate. This is the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. We’re not going to hand you everything on a silver platter; you’ve got to work for it. Remember the Sith code “Through Strength, I gain Power.” We’re here to help you, but you’ve got to want it and you have to ask for it.

So in closing I’d like to say to this Clan of which I’ve been a member for over 8 years: “QUIT SCREWIN AROUND!”

I am the voice inside your head and I control you

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