Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

<size14>Satal Victus Commanders Report!

This is my second Commanders report and I hope you all enjoy it.


First of all, Satal Victus has two new members, I want everyone to give a warm welcome to DJK Doku Rivendare and Acolyte Tau'ru treat them well :).

Second of all we have a new Jedi Hunter among us! Huge congrats to Jedi Hunter Nariah, drinks are me tonight :).

The Seventh Great Jedi War is approaching, so expect several new competitions to be out soon, so we can prepare for it :).

You guys may have noticed the small amount of HTML I'm using, I hope to improve on it soon :).

Lastly, use our message board, that's why it's there.

Anyways onto business.


Jedi Hunter Nariah was awarded a Crescent w/ Emerald Star (promotion and award, good job)

Jedi Hunter Arcadian was awarded two Crescent w/ Sapphire Star, and two Crescent w/ Emerald Star

Dark Jedi Knight Vexer was awarded a Crescent w/ Sapphire Star, and a Crescent w/ Topaz Star (great job Vex!)


Guardian Nariah to Jedi Hunter Nariah! CONGRATS!!!


None this week



DJK Doku Rivendare

ACO Tau'ru

Warm welcomes!


None (yay)


Excpect a few easy ones from me soon :)


1.New Members

2.New Jedi Hunter

3.Seventh GJW

  1. Use Message Boards

5.Except Comps soon!

Alright well hope you enjoyed, see yall next report :).

JH Arcadian (Krath)/CMDR/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1]

AC-ToSH / DC-CP / BN / Cr-2S-8E-3T-2Q / CF-RF / SI / LS-BL / S:-2D-2Dk

{SA: KS: ToL - AS - ICQ - IRC - MSN - GL - LA - ACC - CM - SC - HS1 - HSII - PRH - O: SCORE - TS - LS - MRK}


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