Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of all race shape form species color religion gender beleife code creed gasp sexual preference cingular users bandana wearing banana eating funky monkeys with sunkeys like a lightsaber of flying destruction coming to destroy all the bad bugled buff bitchwork brought between brothers becoming bitter bastards because babies bob between bronze brass bubble bras!
If only I had one of your feet. Why? Theres lots of you in this house and I deserve a kick, if not a flat out face stomp. For one:
-I Apologize-
I apologize because I am losing touch because RL has been eating away and its FINALLY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Letting up on me :P hehe. So without further ado, I bring you AED report Numero: FOUR!!
. The position of Rollmaster/Envoy is still open to applications please get them in if you wish to get yourself a job.
. I havent pooped or peed the bed since I quit drinking yay!
. Ive got a whole buncha competitions coming out soon so keep your eyes peeled O_O
. Congratulations to Jscumm! He makes what I did for knighthood look like I was an APP, good job dude!
Everyone welcome our two newest additions to the house:
Drelicharcz & Jacen Wayland
Alright, here are the awards won by the members for the past two weeks:
Jscumm: Cfx22,
Drodik: CR-Tx1
XarKhan: CR-Tx1, CFx15,
AlLan:CR-Qx1, CR-Tx1 LoSx1
Jaxion: CR-Tx1,CR-Qx1,
Jacen: Marksmanship, Obelisk Core, Astronomy, ISET, ACC Intitiates Course, Capital Starships, IRC Basics, ESET, Starfighter Tactics.
Draco: Weapons Basics.
Id like to say, there are/is/was signups for the 3rd Piloting Championship in the ACC, Im not exactly sure if there are still signups since its sorta old news but go ahead and check it out for yourself and see if youre interested.
Ongoing Battles: None
Judged Battles:
Fighters: Yadar and alLan
Victorious: alLan
Fighters: Aries & alLan
Victorious: alLan
You can find all the pairings here:
House Roster: 36 Members
22 Dark Side AdeptKhobai Wrathraven Arconae
155 EpisAlex d'Tana
297 Archpriestal`Lan Mandragoran
3247 ArchpriestVithril Isradia Kunar
4793 TemplarDrodik Va'lence al'Tor
4195 Dark Jedi KnightCallus Bo'Amar
4297 Dark Jedi KnightDesdemonea
7764 Dark Jedi KnightJScumm
4888 Jedi HunterXar'Kahn
5760 Jedi HunterBran Redmow
4817 GuardianKeno
5648 GuardianDorn Ty'Rodius Ravr
6643 GuardianAidyn Wolfwood
8038 ProtectorJaxion
8521 ProtectorDraco Maligo
8650 ProtectorKaldar
8505 AcolyteKant Lavar
8904 AcolyteJacen Wayland
8175 NoviceNefarious
8474 NoviceNiall Terrik
8793 NoviceVerigo
8156 ApprenticeKama Adri'tya
8532 ApprenticeLizbane
8593 Apprenticesnake
8609 ApprenticeStoud
8622 ApprenticeSeer
8636 ApprenticeGambinius
8686 ApprenticeAnub
8701 ApprenticeAdi-Bayin
8726 ApprenticeNeoss
8738 ApprenticeMalekith the Deceiver
8780 ApprenticeSlade
8794 ApprenticeRannek Jinn
8830 ApprenticeSarl Valco
8844 ApprenticeRhun
8931 ApprenticeDrelicharcz
Its that time that I say goodbye. That time has come so please dont cry. Above all things it always lasts. Until next week , its come too fast. Ill see you then but not right now. Ill be on mIRC after I get some chow.
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