Hubba, Hubba! Welcome to Ye Olde Proconsul Report, my brethren.
The Great War is coming soon- prepare yourselves to fight, Disciples of Sadow! Let's get this machine into top fighting trim. I expect to see all of your training hard, so we can DOMINATE this war.
The Proconsul's Office is always open- come on in. Have some sushi, and filet mignon; pad Thai, mekrob, Kim chi, yum yums, souvlaki, ale, sake, mead, moonshine, tea or whatever. I'll even get the crappy jukebox droid to play Elvis tunes, Skinny Puppy, or Rage Against the Machine if you want. Too bad Bob broke the Alcoholocron long ago. Anyhow, it gets lonely on Sepros or the Miner's Brother late at night. Ewoks can only scream so many times, you know. Drop me an email.
I was just thinking of this. In my short time here in the Clan (compared to geezers like Manesh, Canis, and Xanos, I mean, er uh oh.) I have found this Clan to be the coolest. I watch things, you know. I see strife in other places, often. Granted, we have our normal share of humanity, but for the most part this Clan is pretty relaxed and welcoming. I like that, and am proud to be a part of that in whatever way. You should all be proud too, to be a part of the friendliest Clan in the Brotherhood.
Always remember, I am your advocate. If I can solve a problem, listen to your thoughts, or guide one along the Path, that is my gig. Need help? Have a question? The only way to get what you want is to ask. So ask me, and I will help you or find someone that can.
Congratulations to the winners of my Black Guard competition. Nik-Qui Kux won first with an awesome graphic for the Armor Fist. See the Wiki here:
And Shin'Ichi came in second with a sweet belated drawing of the Anzati-inspired Nachzerer. See the Wiki here:
Thanks, folks! I appreciate the graphics help. For those of you who wondered about the question as to what a Nachzerer is the real word has an extra "H" and means "Vampire" or "Night-Undead" in German. So there, appropriate, no? Right.
What have I been up to? Well. Assuming the next blasted DV has been released. Look for 2 articles by me. That brings me up to 23 Dark Side Scrolls, muah ha ha! I intend to have the most in the DB one day, but I think only 5 people have more. Heh heh heh. My Sithly plan is coming to fruition Soon.
Also, I wrote emails, worked on some Clan business, got a Wiki page up, and tweaked mine to reflect current issues, ran/run 2 competitions, pushed for a CNS gamer group, compiled some reccs, covered for Manesh on LOA, posted in a run-on with Malisane, posted in an acc battle with Quejo, did a little IRC/Googlechat, and tortured numerous Gungans. All in all, a good day's work.
Other News: Several positions have opened up recently. Drop us an email and express your interest....
The Second Round of the Pcon Dark Side Trivia is up and running. Thanks again to all participants.
Anyhow, now for something completely different. I do love Monty Python so.
Here's some fiction, from the Proconsul's Closet. More from my Song of Power: A Sith Poem.
"I seek .
Power as I meditate
In this Darkness and Silence.
Silence brings the Shades.
The Force shall set me Free one day.
I shall live forever, ever and ever
as a Dark Shade
born of the Dark Side
A stain upon the Living Force
Fear is Power.
Hate is Power.
Suffering is merely inevitable.
These are all useful tools to me
And they are all I have left now. "
I'd like to take this time to thank those who are working hard to make this Clan shine and run. To Manesh, our thoughtful Consul. To Shin'Ichi, the motivating and problem-solving Rollmaster. To Shikyo, who will be sorely missed as QUA. To Ashia, the Krath Nightsister in charge of HLK. To Horus, who has been kicking A#$ as an Aedile. To Davin, who is a fine BT leader. To Sai, of the fine reports and cutest Dark Jedi trainee. To Manji-sama, of the much missed and informative reports. To my Apprentice, Imperial, who has been rocking her trials. To all of you who have been promoted recently- keep up the good work!
Cheers, Macron (AKA Mac-daddy)
SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura
CNS Proconsul
Fourth Caste of the Inner Order
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