Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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Report, Jade Serpents, 6/24/07

_Sai entered his office, the electroluminescent lights automatically switching on as he crossed the threshold, and he noted the presence of his father’s katana hanging from its place above his desk. Settling into his chair, he was greeted by its usual creaks and groans, and he made a mental note, as he always did, to look into getting it replaced.

He took his calligraphy kit from the desk’s side drawer, along with a clean scroll of paper. After unfurling it across his desk, Sai selected a brush, dipped its bristles into the inkwell, and began to write:_


Tetrarch Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Adrian Kiarey

Sanjuro Keibatsu

Garusus Finkai

Shin’ichi Keibatsu

Gllen Nadix

Tal Kol


New Business:

Here’s what’s been going on since the last report, 6/17/07:

Ok, the results of the CNS Comp are out, and we got some shiny’s! I’m proud of all who participated, and I hope you are as excited as I for the GJW to commence! For Team, House, and Clan, guys!!!


Tsingtao was awarded a Quartz Crescent!!

Adrian was awarded a Topaz, an Emerald and an Amethyst Crescent!!

Shin’ichi earned a Dark Cross, and was awarded a Topaz and Emerald Crescent!!

Sai was awarded two Emerald, a Sapphire, and an Amethyst Crescent!!

SA Courses Passed:

None as of this writing

New Members:

None as of this writing


Adrian was promoted to Neophyte in the ACC!!


Run the Gauntlet, ends 9/25/07

SA Trivia, ends 11/2/07

SA Trivia (Renewal), ends 1/26/08

Dark Voice Logo, ends 6/30/07

For the Empire!, ends 5/6/08

The Scion of Artemay, ends 7/10/07

June MT’s, ends 6/30/07

Proconsul’s Dark Side Trivia Competition, ends 7/4/07

CNS Historical Campaign #6, ends 6/27/07

HLK Quaestor’s Report Trivia, ends 8/12/07

**If you are looking for things to do before the GJW, there ya go!! Get to it!!!!

I*Ink Blotches:*

All in all, this was a much more enjoyable report to produce. I love reporting our successes to the Summit and the DB in general; keep it up, my beloved Serpents!

ACC wise, I still haven’t had anyone take me up on my offer to assist and/train folks for the ACC. Still, I’m glad to see Adrian become a Neophyte; mebbee I’ll get a challenge from him! ;P

As for myself, I’ve recently judged a battle and posted in one of my own; check the Combat Hall to see your Tetrarch in action! Other than that, we’ve welcomed Halc as the new CM; it’ll be interesting to see how he runs things. I, for one, am more than excited. I am all for change, as without it, we are stagnant and dead.

In service,

DJK Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Jade Serpents’ Tetrarch

Judge of the ACC

Apprentice to The Abomination of Kyataru

Bearer of the Mark of the Black Guard

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