Dark Greetings Galerans! How's everyone doing? Whoa! Easy now. I don't handle complaints about stuff like that. I don't mind pointing you in the right direction, but I'm not addressing things like that here. So, moving along...
Please sit back and enjoy this informative and innuendo-laden account of Galeres activity from the past month or so (covering 25 May through 25 June) listed below; no condoms this times. Apparently certain members of certain religious groups are against this. Until I agree that some diseases only attack people of certain persuasions, I'm probably not going to agree here. Rather rant to me about the virtues of "auditing" and becoming a "pre-clear"...I'm far more likely to believe that stuff. As always, feel free to just delete this. I'm dealing largely with activity, while providing my own slightly satiristic views on current events. Trust me. None of this material will be on your final exams. But then, school is out for most of you anyway, so who really cares? Oh, and if you game, don't be like this.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>INTRODUCTION</td> </tr> </table>
Hmmm...introducing this report is easy. It's sexy. It's single, it's in shape, and it's hot to trot. It's also very pious. It's everything and nothing...yin and yang, if you will. I'd love for everyone to read this and enjoy it and tell me that they can't get enough of my smooth grammatical stylings, but I'm sure that won't happen. I just put way too many words in here to expect more that three people to ever read them all. Especially since I lack the ability to hand out awards or promos like candy. I'm not discouraged by that, it's just my way. Old people are weird...pass it on.
Really quick, I want to congratulate Tim on not just his promotion to KE, but also on his ascension to the coveted position of Consul. Strat - who has occupied that position since the last time it became open (i forget why) - will now be taking over Tim's former role as Proconsul. Best of luck to both silly Entars and also thanks for all the good work from both of them. And good comedy, neither of them being a slouch in the wit department.
Last time I wrote one of these, I requested that people challenge me in the ACC, since I was getting back into the game. Thanks much to Juda, who did just that, but circumstances wholly and unequivocally beyond my control have caused me to nix that idea and focus solely on the battle that I have already started, along with the PCHL, which I had forgotten about until the other day. My PCHL battle already timed out, so there goes that idea. This is not meant to discourage anyone else from partaking in the intriguing and involved wonder that is the Antei Combat Centre. It's absolutely impossible to discount the amount of time, blood, sweat, tears, etc. that have been spend on and spilled to make it as robust as it is. I just haven't got the time or desire, since I write so blessedly slow. To each their own, as someone once said, and has thus been quoted for years and years, henceforth and anon.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES</td> </tr> </table>
DJK Garik Burren
JH Mayda Ferium
APP Case
INI Contemptus
INI Shadox
INI necrices
INI stravaganza623
INI Stama Fortuc
INI Railyn Ra Aura
INI Kor VanTil
INI Legorii
INI Ice-Man
INI Wolfbringer
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>PROMOTIONS</td> </tr> </table>
Dark Jedi Knight:
Orv Dessrx d'Tana
Rho 'Dynamite' d'Tana
Jedi Hunter:
Juda Kodiak Erinos
Kel Antar
Kor VanTil
Kor VanTil
INI Contemptus
INI Shadox
INI necrices
INI Stama Fortuc
INI Railyn Ra Aura
INI Kor VanTil
INI Legorii
INI Ice-Man
INI Wolfbringer
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>AWARDS</td> </tr> </table>
Grand Cross of the Dark Side:
Steel Cross:
Legion of the Scholar:
DJK Debric (4)
OE Sashar Kodiak Erinos (2)
SW Zandro Savric Erinos
DJK Orv Dessrx d'Tana
DJK Kieran Kodiak Erinos
OP Malidir Dinistr Erinos
Dark Side Scroll:
Scroll of Foundation:
DJK Etah d'Tana
JH Juda Kodiak Erinos
JH Kel Antar
Crescent with Amethyst Star:
JH Juda Kodiak Erinos (2)
SW Zandro Savric Erinos
DJK Orv Dessrx d'Tana
Crescent with Sapphire Star:
JH Juda Kodiak Erinos (2)
SW Zandro Savric Erinos
DJK Orv Dessrx d'Tana
DJK Rho 'Dynamite' d'Tana
OP Malidir Dinistr Erinos
Crescent with Emerald Star:
OE Sashar Kodiak Erinos (2)
DJK Rho 'Dynamite' d'Tana (2)
JH Juda Kodiak Erinos
Crescent with Topaz Star:
Crescent with Quartz Star:
Pendant of Blood:
Cluster of Fire:
DJK Kieran Kodiak Erinos (45)
JH Kel Antar (43)
OE Sashar Kodiak Erinos (26)
DJK Wolvie "the jackal" (4)
DJK Munro Burton-Erinos (3)
JH Juda Kodiak Erinos (2)
OP Malidir Dinistr Erinos (183)
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>SHADOW ACADEMY COURSES</td> </tr> </table>
ACO Legorii (11):
Conflict Mediation
Chamber of Justice (WOW)
Training Saber Basics
HTML Basics
Test of Wisdom
ACC Initiates
Lightsaber Studies
Safe Computing
AOL Instant Messenger
Dark Brotherhood Basics
ACO Kor VanTil (6):
Obelisk Core
IRC Basics
HTML Basics
Dark Brotherhood Basics
AOL Instant Messenger
ACC Initiates
SW Zandro Savric Erinos (5):
Obelisk Core
Test of Wisdom
Capital Starship Studies
Lightsaber Studies
DJK Debric (2):
Obelisk Core
OE Sashar Kodiak Erinos (2):
Dark Brotherhood Basics
Obelisk Core
DJK Orv Dessrx d'Tana (2):
History of the Sith Empire I
History of the Sith Empire II
JH Juda Kodiak Erinos (2):
Dark Brotherhood Basics
Force Philosophy
DJK Garik Burren:
JH Kel Antar:
OP Malidir Dinistr Erinos:
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>RANDOM MUSINGS (yes, you have to read these too)</td> </tr> </table>
<p> "blank the police!" There have been numerous discussions and diatribes relating to the recent CRACKDOWN on "fowl" language in official DB channels. Yes, that's right, for a time, it was very difficult to refer to such things as cocks, turkeys and chickens. This has since been abandoned in favor of everyone taking a step back and using common sense. If I can do it, I'm QUITE sure you guys can do it. Big brother is still keeping tabs, but the b0t has been deposed in favor of the ops handling this task. Or just don't frequent "official" channels unless when necessary.
"Here we go again" In other recent news, it has come to my attention that - believe it or not - (expletives, inappropriate content and otherwise unsavory comments deleted), totally immaterial, if one takes into consideration that (expletives, inappropriate content and otherwise unsavory comments deleted) which is in direct violation of at least (expletives, inappropriate content and otherwise unsavory comments deleted) I don't really care, personally, since I have (expletives, inappropriate content and otherwise unsavory comments deleted) Regardless, it still bears mentioning, especially as we are looking (expletives, inappropriate content and otherwise unsavory comments deleted). So yes, I may just be able to give Entourage and West Wing a break for a bit. Moving along...
Check this link for competition information. My heartfelt thanks to former Soulfire Sergeant, Clan Envoy and Quaestor APP Deleted for helping us by starting this...and to others for maintaining it with the utmost diligence. You know who you are (or aren't).
"Random lyrics from Sisqó's Thong Song - that I probably shouldn't actually include here" GJW is coming...yes, that's right. The oft-ignored, oft-criticized club-wide event is coming back once again. I've seen numerous assurances that this will be a great and wondrous show. I can't comment on the veracity of these accounts, but I'm holding out hope that things will be nice and enjoyable. This Great Jedi War has a lot of things going for it, in that it needs to surpass both the prior war, AND the last Rite of Supremacy. Honestly, if it can't achieve both of those goals, I'll speak to the appropriate people and work on farming next year's out to my 8 year old cousins. Free of charge. Yes, Mali is a kind and benevolent Dark Jedi. All that sarcasm aside, thanks to all involved with this effort. At this point, we may not be looking for greatness or any one person's idea of "perfection", but rather "decentness" and "ununfairness due to various factors". Besides, if anyone wanted perfection, we'd all be chasing Mandy Moore around and inundating her with e-mails (unless I'm really NOT the only one doing that...) I'm optimistic, seriously. If I'm proven wrong, you'll all see that in a subsequent report. Either way, please enjoy this motivational video, and let's all get fired up. w00t.
"I don't know what the big deal is about these phony documents. I mean the last election we had phony documents. Remember the last election in Florida? They were called ballots." Jay Leno. Yeah. Freedom of the press. It's a tenet of the American way of life. Speaking of which, I hope everyone has had an opportunity to review at least portions of the most recent edition of the Dark Voice. I myself woke up in an alley the other morning (don't ask) and managed to read this bit during my pilfered coffee and danish. As a fan of numerous news sources, both online and off, there's no way that I would ever be accused of bashing the press for exercising their ability to spin whatever fiction they want from limited factual accounts, but I'm also not paid to play Sherlock Holmes and cross all the t's and dot all the i's for everyone (i do that stuff free of charge, i just don't reveal the findings here). There are matters of undeniable fact...then there is the media's interpretation of the same. I leave it to the members to decide what is right and what is wrong. I owe you, my bosses and the DB at least that much. But I'm always around to help people connect the dots. Free of charge :P
Last thing, but not the least important thing, is Mayda Ferium's decision to join our noble House. Ok, so we aren't that noble, and we don't do much that is repeatable in the House, but still. She rocks, she rolls and she has many ideas that can help keep things fun and interesting for every one of you that reads this. She helped me immensely with my DB wiki (yeah, i know, it's not done yet), and she might just see fit to help others who ask her nicely. I can't tell you how to ask nicely, since I've never learned how to do such a thing. Sue me. Really. Sue me in the face. I also want to welcome everyone else that joined us in the past month, to the tune of about eleven others, one of whom being a Dark Jedi Knight that I knew a bit a lifetime ago. Excellent stuff.
<table border cols="1" width="100%" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td>DEDICATION</td> </tr> </table>
This report brought to you in large part by the maxim that if you don't have anything good to say, omit all reference of their existence. Well, at least all the direct references. Also by the Boston Red Sox. Keep on pwning and know that at least someone in the DB is representing on your behalf. btw, they rock, so you'd all do well to get behind them. And, if you don't like baseball...yeah, i guess there's always...ok, nothing of import until football season, sorry. And please, let's all thank my friend Zadist for her selfless effort spent developing a banner for the tippy top of this report. Yes, I owe her. So do you guys, since most of you have seen my own graphical abilities (ok, lack thereof) and have no desire to see more examples. Until next time...hopefully. As Tim would say, if he ever wised up and demanded editorial review of my reports...Arcona Invicta!!!!
Rollmaster/Envoy/Plenipotentiary of House Galeres
First Blade of Galeres
<p> **
OP Malidir Dinistr Erinos (Obelisk)/RM-TRP-ICTE/Galeres of Arcona <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[GMRG: IND]</small></font> <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[KSOE: ENV]</small></font> <font color="#FFCC66"><small>[ACC: CL:3]</small></font>
<small>GC / SC / AC-ToSH / DC-CP / GN-BL / BN-AgL / Cr-9R-7A-11S-8E-4T-1Q / PoB-GL / CF-RbF / DSS-BL / SI / SoL / LS-AuL / S:-22D-5Do-6Dk</small>
<small> {SA: KS: ToL - DBB - AIM - ICQ - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - HTML1 - ACC - CM - SC - D: KCORE - TW - ATW - SA - FP - HS1 - HSII - PRH - KP - RO - GS - O: SCORE - TA - ESET - CSS - AST - K: OCORE - TE - TS - LS - MRK}</small>
** </p>
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