Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

It's been a little while since I've put out a report, which is my bad. There are a few reasons why, but I'll spare you the details. These last few weeks we've been pretty lucky, we picked up more then a few new people who seem to be staying very active (YAY!). The summit has been plodding along, doing our jobs. Overall, things have been going really well these last few weeks


Abraxia Sydan: Shadow Academy to House Archanis

Oceba: Shadow Academy to House Archanis

Nosferatu619: Shadow Academy to House Archanis

Itachi Uchiha: Shadow Academy to House Archanis

Xsoal: Shadow Academy to House Archanis

Dark Ace: Shadow Academy to House Archanis

Dragonmoon: Shadow Academy to House Archanis


ACO Dark Ace to Protector

NOV Oceba to Acolyte

NOV Dark Ace to Acolyte

APP Oceba to Novice

APP Itachi Uchiha to Novice

APP Abraxia Sydan to Novice

APP Dark Ace to Novice

Congratulations to everyone who got a promotion! Especially Dark Ace, who earned three.


SBL Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya: DC

KP Ricco Vao: Cr-Sx3, SoF

OT Fire-Knight: DC

JH Daar Kareth: Cr-E, CF

JH Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius: CFx15

Congratulations to everyone who got a medal! Especially Ricco and Rannik.

Shadow Academy

KP Ricco Vao: CP History, Weapons Basics

DJK Gobhainn Sgath: Brotherhood Basics, ACC INI, AOL IM, ICQ, IRC Op, MSN, Leadership Applications, Leadership Fundamentals, Conflict Mediation, HTML Basics

PRT Dark Ace: Force Philosophy, ACC INI, Pre-Republic History, Astronomy, History of the Sith Empire I & II, Brotherhood Basics, Force Alchemy

ACO Oceba: Marksmanship, Brotherhood Basics, Obelisk Core, Weapons Basics, ACC INI

NOV Abraxia Sydan: Force Philosophy, ACC INI

Itachi Uchiha: Leadership Applications

APP Wolfbringer: Astronomy, Krath Grammar Studies

Congrats to Gobhainn Sgath for passing an amazing ten courses and Dark Ace for a close second with eight courses. Also, I'd like to offer a special congratulations to Ricco Vao on being named a Dark Savant for his service to the Shadow Academy!

Keep up the great work, with this kind of activity we're gonna sweep the GJW for sure.

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