After carefully reading all the applications, I was surprised at their quantity and quality. This made the choice difficult. In the end I rejected some applications because I found the candidates to be too qualified!
But in the end, someone had to be chosen, so I picked Obelisk Prelate William Flechette. He wants to get suitable pictures for all the medals and he has some other ideas that I'm sure he'll want to share with everyone as soon as possible.
I would like to thank everyone who applied. This was probably the most applications ever received for a position in the Dark Brotherhood. Most of you did a very good job of it as well. Unfortunately, I could only choose a single person. But the future looks very bright so I think you'll be able to use your talents quite a bit before long. :)
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Shai, now they will all be on to us and our clever scheme! D'oh. ;) Hehe, thanks everyone. :) I'll be doing the best job I can...will post in a few with my plans for the office. Maybe I'll make a nify HTML post, like Jaccers...
Woo! Go Flechie! Congrats on the job, and good luck with it!
A huge congrats to Flechie!
Hey Flech, now that your about slipping everyone in Dinaari a GLS. Noone will know hehe. Congratulations on getting the position.
"Overqualified" - would take over in a few weeks because can do better than we do :o)
Can't be, Arania. They appointed Mav. ;-)
Yeah but Mav is qualified :p OKOK, enough of the bad jokes...
Some people were "too qualified"... what the heck is that supposed to mean?
Overqualified means someone who's talents would most likely go to waste in such a position. Like having a rocket engineer working as a salesman. I have no worries whatsoever about ambitious people since the useless bootlickers have stayed behind during the split.
Part of what Jac and I will be doing in the near future is trying to find ways to help for everyone interested in doing more for the DB. Of course we'll continue accepting independant ideas and projects.
Looks like they were afraid of yer squirrels plotting an evil scheme to take over the db, sero :P
grats, fleshy :)
Congrats Flech
Grah! Damn Jac stealing my clan members! Oh well, at least Tal pwnage of the DC continues! Congrats Flechy!!