Welcome, to the first edition of my Consul Report. Big news- yes, that's right yours truly is now wearing the hard-to-fill shoes of CON. Look for an announcement on PCON soon, and I will not be taking applications for the position. Instead, I am going to rely upon the wise recommendation of Manesh.
Most of you know me by now, but if not you will soon enough. I am a hard worker, very active, and have been with the Clan for over two years now. I consider myself a motivator and decision maker. If you need anything, just ask. I will also bend over backwards to help those who need it as well. My door is always open.
I personally don't care for IRC so much, but will occasionally be about on that and Googlechat. I prefer email for numerous reasons, and having records is one of them. Also, I find emails tend to be more thoughtful and well-worded than chats. Don't worry, my new PCON will have the IRC aspect covered.
A couple of things. The War is almost here. Everyone break out your keyboards and best thinking caps. It is imperative that we are motivated and conquer our foes. Be prepared, and do your best. Also, remember to have fun.
Fun. That is what this club is about ultimately at the end of the day. I encourage you to each take a bit and think of what you enjoy in the club. Writing? Gaming? Socializing? You may wish to take a second and look at something you haven't done before and expand your horizons. Who knows, it could be fun! I remember getting involved with the ACC when I got started. I liked to write, and it became a natural progression from there after Manji beat the stuffings out me. J That later led to some ACC Live!, and other stuffÂ…
I'll be in need of someone to be an unofficial "wiki" manager for the Clan pages. I have a bunch of things that need addressing, and know you folks can get it done. If you are interested, send me an email and tell my why and what you can do. Perhaps this will become an official position later.
You may have noticed some shuffling of positions within the Clan recently. I assure you, this is quite normal. Even the best and most dedicated leader can get worn-out, or have Real Life issues that hinder their abilities to do the job. We are all human, no matter what our characters may be. And also remember, a leadership position is a job, not a reward. The higher the position, the more work is involved with it. I commend people who know when it is time to gracefully bow out- I had to do this as QUA last year when I had 2 jobs. I didn't want to, but it was the right thing to do. And look- it led to some others getting the chance to shine in the position.
And, my last comment. It is not fun when people are not nice to each other. Remember, you are all supposed to be brethren in this Clan. I got an email from someone last week that was ratherÂ… unpleasant. Let me assure you, I am overall a nice guy with an open mind. However, I will tolerate no BS. Being ugly reduces everyone's fun factor, mine included. If a person pulls some things that I have seen go down in my time here that were mean or ugly, they will suffer the consequences. You may find me to be a bit more heavy-handed (or booted) than my predecessors here, but that is what is needed at this time.
I leave you with my poem from "Attacking the Clones" for fun.
Fire Once Flew
By 4856 SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura
Fire flew wickedly from the Jaginos skies
Vessels locked in deadly combat did strive
Cloners crushed by the Covenant, flies
Harried by hornets from the Sadow hive
Their doomed dreadnaught rife with fear
Clones spaced and left in the vacuum to rot
Swan-necked corpses from cold blackness peer
Their technology availed them naught
The hungry metal insects drop and dive
Bringing walkers, tanks, and anger galore
Smashing the enemy with none left alive
Raping the Kaminoans like some bloody whore
Bloated bodies swell with maggoty flies
The blasts and beams rip and roar
Soldiers of Sadow are sundered and die
But many of Kamino will live no more
SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu Sadow
CNS Consul
Fourth Caste of the Inner Order
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