Greetings all,
No little story for this report, but I will apologize for the lateness of it. Unfortunately offline life attacked me the last few days and has been demanding my full attention. Hopefully though that will be resolved soon and you will once again be inflicted with my nearly constant presence. =P
Many congratulations to all those who took part in the Golden Iris Conflict. The event was very successful, but only thanks to all of you who took the time to participate. In other news, there have been some amendments made to the Dark Covenant so take a few moments and read over that. Malisane has decided to step down as the KCB. Also, if you participate in the ACC, make sure that you have updated your character sheet to fit with the new rules, otherwise you will find battles being denied for you.
There are several great competitions running currently and if you are looking for something to do, or you want to add a new shiny or two to your collection I encourage you to check out the thread which lists them all for you.
There are several special projects in the works for the House. If you would like to know whats going on, or even if you would like to help out, then take a look at the House Project Pool:
Congratulations to all those who earned promotions, keep up the great work!
DJK Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae - promoted from JH Congrats on finally getting that saber!
JH Fionn dan Locut'Hal promoted from GRD
NOV Lucifer Baybek promoted from APP
PRT Lithas Pota promoted from ACO
Yay for lots of shinies! Good work guys, keep it up!
SW Cethgus awarded Anteian Cross, Legion of the Scholar, Pendant of Blood, Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Crescent with Topaz Star, Cluster of Fire x7
SW Zeron awarded Dark Cross, Legion of the Scholar x2, Crescent with Quartz Star, Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Emerald Star, Crescent with Sapphire Star x2, Cluster of Fire x4
PRT Lithas Pota awarded Legion of the Scholar
GRD Yzarc Rellik awarded Anteian Cross, Crescent with Quartz Star, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Emerald Star x2, Cluster of Fire x8
DJK Malaki awarded Crescent with Emerald Star, Cluster of Fire x4
DJK Prajna Berkana - awarded Cluster of Fire x6
PRT Maximus awarded Crescent with Topaz Star, Cluster of Fire x13
GRD Xathia dan Locut'Hal awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Topaz Star
NOV Zadist awarded Crescent with Emerald Star
GRD Aeon awarded Crescent with Quartz Star
NOV Holylord awarded Crescent with Emerald Star
DJM Niemand "Duda" Machweg awarded Dark Cross, Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Topaz Star, Crescent with Emerald Star
OT Xan Phraz-Etar Kaeth awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star, Crescent with Topaz Star
JH Fionn dan Locut'Hal awarded Crescent with Topaz Star x3
SBM Rasilvenaira StormRaven awarded Steel Cross, Crescent with Amethyst Star, Legion of the Scholar x2, Cluster of Fire x4
The Shadow Academy is an important source of additional training within the Brotherhood; make sure you check it out:
NOV Zadist Krath Core, History of the Sith Empire II, Pre-Republic History, History of the Sith Empire III, History of the Sith Empire I
OP Daniel Stephens Dark Maven
SBM Rasilvenaira StormRaven Dark Maven
SW Zeron Dark Maven
PRT Lithas Pota Leadership Studies
NOV Lucifer Baybek ACC Initiates Course
PRT Maximus Runon Studies, Test of Wisdom, Advancement Survey, Training Saber Basics, ACC Initiates Course, Dark Brotherhood Basics, Leadership Applications
GRD Shaardan Lestin Weapons Basics
JH Fionn dan Locut'Hal Marksmanship, Leadership Fundamentals
Good job those of you who have been studying hard.
House Caliburnus extends a warm welcome to our newest members, please be sure to say hello to them if you see them around:
APP Sanglant
APP Eda_et Tam
House Caliburnus also welcomes the following members who have transferred to us, make sure you welcome them when you see them:
ACO Karnn
NOV Lucifer Baybek
House Caliburnus has shown itself as a true force to be reckoned with, but it will take each and every one of you to keep it that way. We have a Great Jedi War coming soon; I would hope that when it begins, Caliburnus will strive to once again take up its position as the vanguard force of Scholae Palatinae. Victory is possible, as long as you are willing to put forth the effort. As long as we work together, and stand as a united front, the possibilities for what we can accomplish are endless. The power is in your hands, each of you holds the ability to help us win this war. When the war starts, do your best to compete in each event that you possibly can.
*Confidence is the key to Victory; you win if you believe in yourself. If you do not believe in yourself, you have already lost. ~ StormRaven *
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