Fellow Clansmen,
I have spent the last two weeks packing up my apartment; thus, my Brotherhood time has been lacking. The good news is that come Monday afternoon.... I will be fully setup in my new location. The other good tidbit to accompany that is that I will have two computers running, much better internet (Comcast Cable, yay!), and considerable free time to work on our Great Jedi War efforts. So that is your insight into the life of the Consul... nothing too exciting :-p
Oh... and go see "Transformers" if you have not already... otherwise, go see the new Harry Potter movie on the 11th! And if you have an IMAX theatre in your locale - that is playing "Order of the Phoenix" - go do that... it roxxorz ur soxxorz!
To the report, batman!
Clan Projects
Dark Paths - A project long in development, the "Dark Paths of Scholae Palatinae" is seeing considerable time and effort put into it right now on the Clan front. It will not be ready for the Seventh Great Jedi War, but it is an interesting read if you have time to look over it.
Clan SA Exam - Ood has been gracious enough to help us begin preparing the CSP SA Exam. He has collected a lot of floating information concerning Scholae Palatinae and will begin working to reduce it to a readable format with the necessary links to fulfill the demands of the exam.
Clan JA Server - Rasilvenaira & Zeron have taken our blank server and given it life! Many congratulations to them for their hard work on this, it gives the Clan some additional flavor and a place to host JA Training Nights in peace. This is the first of several overhauls projects for CSP that have come into fruition... keep your eyes peeled for more benefits post-GJW.
CSP JA Server
Password: CSP1
Suggested Downloads
Clan Mod plug-in (Allows members to fully utilize the mod's features)
Clan News
Many congratulations are in order for Archangel for his recent elevation to Dark Jedi Knight... I have already personally witnessed him using his new uber-pwn-styk (lightsaber) to beat down fellow journeymen.
Recently, Caliburnus witnessed another promotion that was noteworthy... Envoy Locutov was elevated to Jedi Hunter and has begun work towards Knighthood!
Everyone give a warm welcome to OPM Koskian d'tana... he joins us from the Rogues in an effort to help the Clan in its future goals.
Lastly, I would like to give Yeldarb a little love... this Acolyte has dominated the Shadow Academy and has collected a Dark Cross for his efforts. Congratulations!
Brotherhood News
The Seventh Great Jedi War (GJW7) will begin on July 15th, 2007. I repeat... GJW7 BEGINS ON THE FIFTEENTH OF THIS MONTH!
If you have not updated your Character Sheet (CS) in the ACC to reflect the new 'strong-hand' and 'off-hand' capabilities of your character, it will be assumed you have 1/5 points in your strong hand. This will result in some very difficult realism issues in your future battles/judgments. Make sure you are prepared for the Great Jedi War by having your CS updated!
Dark Covenant (DCov) Amendments... the bylaws of our club... were recently updated to reflect some necessary policy changes. This was the last section of the DCov to get a facelift, and Kir & Jac delivered on this project by giving Brotherhood members more rights concerning harassment. Many kudos!
Also from the Office of the Justicar (JST), came a memo reminding all of the Brotherhood about proper usage of the "comments" function on the DB News Page. Comments may be used to add pertinent or additional information, offer congratulations or condolences and ask questions or deliver answers to questions asked. Opinions, banter and all comments that do not improve the topic should be instead posted to the Message Boards (MBs).
Dark Council & Society Leader Reports
Office of the Herald: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=10203
Office of the Combat Master: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=10206
Office of the Deputy Grand Master: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=10229
Office of the Head Master: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/viewreport.asp?ID=10234
The Message
Clan. Literally translates as "a group of people united by a common trait, characteristic or interest."
But what intangibles do we associate with it? What underlying meanings may it hold to each of us, personally. I know far too often that I do not share my feelings with the Clan, but that stems from a personal decision to safeguard my thoughts from everyone not... well... me. So I will take a stab at the whole communicating my personal thoughts thing...
I have nothing but admiration for every member of this Clan. I know that may come as a shock to several individuals I constantly harp on; however, I push those people more because I know they are capable of great things. In fact, I know that every member has the potential to do amazing things. I can - easily - identify several individuals whom would be worthy to lead this Clan... should they ever fully apply themselves to the task.
Back to my point... I value every member of this Clan: active, semi-active or inactive. In fact, I have developed quite the trigger-finger when anyone so much as thinks of speaking poorly of our Clan... if you don't believe me, just ask Sarin (who probably wishes I would just chill the f*ck out). And I work to provide each of you the best, working environment within my power to give. But I can only do so much... and now, as our Vendetta approaches... I need to ask all of you to help me.
Win the Seventh Great Jedi War. Can we do it? Yes. How can we do it? We do it the way Scholae Palatinae has always done it... we go out, have fun, hit as many events as possible (because we are the most active Clan in the Brotherhood) and push one another to strive for excellence. Yes, there may be five other Clans in this competition... but I ask each and every one of you to challenge your fellow members (in a friendly fashion) to do their best. No one is beyond attaining a spot in the Brotherhood's Top Twenty Five... that is available to each and every one of you!
So go, have fun... be as active as you can... and we will see where the cards fall when it is all over.
The Great Jedi War approaches... the rest is irrelevant.
Braecen Kaeth Kunar
Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae
Safeguarder of Sheep
Braecen Kunar (Krath Pontifex) / CON-M:MAA-GC-EP / Clan Scholae Palatinae
[GMRG: RG3-G] [PA: Elder] [ACC: CE:1]
AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-11R-18A-20S-8E-5T-1Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-AuL / SI-AuL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk
{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AL - L:PRH}
You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...
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