General Info
-A reminder that the Dark Covenant has undergone some changes which might be interesting to you. You can find the news post in which Sarin explains the changes here. If you have questions or comments of any sort, please feel free to email me.
-The rules section of the CoJ website has been updated to reflect these changes as well, you can few that page here.
-Also these changes have forced a slight change in the Judicial Certification Course run in the Shadow Academy, and that change has already been made (but if you find anything else I missed, let me know!)
-I put up a news post about the comments section of this website and how it is supposed to be used, and ironically the comments on that post are also helpful. If you didn't see that earlier, read it here.
New Covenant Amendment
-Yes there were just a number of amendments made last week, but there was one simple change that was left out, and I corrected that tonight. Here is the change:
Section 8.04D used to read:
"The burden of the Jury will be to reach an unanimous decision on the innocence or guilt beyond a reasonable doubt of the accused on each charge presented."
Section 8.04D now reads:
"The burden of the Jury will be to reach an unanimous decision on the innocence or guilt, supported by a preponderance of the evidence, of the accused on each charge presented."
This change was proposed about a month ago, discussed and agreed upon by the Dark Council. Basically it changes to a burden of proof more appropriate for an online environment.
New Right Hand of Justice
Finally the news you've all been waiting for, the RHoJ announcement. After reviewing all the applicants, I've decided that Archpriest Daniel Goad will be our next RHoJ, to serve for a term of six months. Congratulations to him.
Signed and Sealed in Justice,
Dark Side Adept Kir Taldrya Katarn
Justicar and High Protector of the Dark Brotherhood
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Yay Dan! Gratz
Congrats, Dan!
How interesting. I thought you were only accepting applications from people who had taken the SA exam at the time the request for applications was posted.
How nice that you don't have to follow your own guidelines.
oh, slapp'd :p
Section 8.01A of the Dark Covenant:
"The Justicar appoints to the Chamber members as he sees fit to assist in the work of the court."
MERLANCE stfu and stop being a little bitch.
And let us all bask in the richness of that statement.
Sklib applies tanning oil, basks
Actually, Merlance has a point. Since some people may not have met the requirement, and didn't apply because of it, they may feel shafted out of the right to put in an application. They have a right to express themselves on that one. So Nitemare, quit trying to be the tough, cool kid who regulates shit, and go back to being an annoyance on IRC.
Kir has the right to select Hands as he sees fit, as he mentioned, but that is pretty shitty, Kir. And you know it.
That being said, congratulations, and if Kir selected Daniel for the job, I've known Kir long enough to know that he's seen qualities in him that Kir wants in the position for the moment. His methods of selection aside, Kir does try to go with his best judgment, and fail or succeed, at least he tries to do what he thinks is right.
Good luck with it, Daniel.
Or instead of posting a snide comment here, an e-mail could've been instead sent to Kir directly asking him that question? Once again, comments section isn't a soapbox and if people actually have something to ask/say to the poster, that's what an e-mail is for :)
And congrats go out to Daniel on the position
Once again, nepotism ftw. Who cares about rules? :)
And ffs guys, Kir will work with him, what about you let him choose his own staff?
His staff and policies have a direct impact on the rest of the Brotherhood Zeron, that's why people are agitated.
Nevertheless, grats Dan.
Congrats, Daniel.
Oh yeah, and stop talking, Zeron. It's grating and embarassing.
Whats done is done, well done Daniel.
His staff and policies have a direct impact on the rest of the Brotherhood Zeron, that's why people are agitated.
Nevertheless, grats Dan.
Wow, this comments section has gotten completely out of hand - I'm really glad that everyone read my post about what is appropriate to put in comments and what should be sent via email.
Since everyone seems to think some great injustice has occurred, let me explain what happened. I set the application guidelines to help me narrow the field, and included having taken the SA course as a requirement. Now, ever since I opened the course four months ago I have been saying it would be required, if you hadn't taken it by now I'm sorry, but I have given more than ample warning that it would be necessary.
Now I set a period for applications, and over that period I only received two applications. I was going to pick someone yesterday when I graded Daniel's CoJ exam, and was very impressed with this score (one of the highest in the history of the course) and more so his grasp of the judicial principles we use. So I emailed him to ask about the position, determined that he was the most qualified person for the job, and offered it to him. He accepted, and I appointed him immediately because I didn't want to leave the position open any longer.
I picked the person I thought was most qualified and would best benefit the CoJ and thus, the DB as a whole. This was not "nepotism" (which, by the way, is favoritism shown to a family member, which Daniel is not) - if anything it was meritocracy. If anyone remembers Yack's time as JST, the Hand positions were not open for application, he simply chose people he wanted - I take applications now as a courtesy and because it allows me to get a better grasp on who is interested and available, but I will use the selection method that gets me the best possible person for the position.
Now, I will admit that initially limiting applications to those who had already taken the course may have limited the field of potential applicants too much, as I discovered by the number of applications. So, in exactly one month from today, when the LHoJ position will be open, I will not use that requirement again. However I would strongly advise people to take the CoJ course sooner rather than later if they might be interested, and take your time and think about your answers, I rely upon that as an initial indicator of judicial acumen.
And please, send any further comments to me via email or create a thread on the message boards, I literally put up a post about that this week.
I would just like to say I was one of the people who applied and I have no problem with Dan being selected. You go Kir keep up the great work and congrats Dan.
Congrats on Dan getting the position!
Kir, I think the "family" aspect the people are posting about might be a "referance" to Dan being in Taldryan.....either way, if he was the best person for the are the one that works with him.
I think the word would be cronyism, rather than nepotism which generally references political appointees.
Grrrrrrrrrrr, that would be cronyism that references politicians appointing old friends to positions
First off congratz to Goad
But I have to agree with everyone and I seriously doubt if I ever do get Equite I will apply for the next opening even when I can.