Yep another report :P
The Equite Guidelines are up and going so if you're a leader or even general member take a look
The Good Rec's project is also around, and I'm glad to say that it seems that people are reading it before submitting something, which means I haven't had to use the deny button as often. Which in some cases makes me a sad MAA :P
My character comp had some really awesome entries, and after debating them all I've chosen Orv's as the winner. Ricco gets second because he added in part of my dossier armor along with a bad a** black robe, and Zontron gets third for a very nice rendition of my character :) Orv though went along with the CS description perfectly. Congrats you three, the medals are in the mail!!!
Sarin has already stated Clan to Clan transfers will stop pretty much today (It's already midnight here for me so :P). I will be checking each dossier for transfers, so don't think that you can go around rogue hopping. You can go rogue or back to your original clan, that's it
If you have any problems, just email me or message me on IRC and we'll chat
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