Deep within the corridors of the 3rd level living quarters of Zafiro Torre one sat in meditation. His thoughts lingered while his mind danced with shadow darkness. There the cloaked being sat in silence and solitude. The glow rods lighted the room as a great mediation shrine. The crimson red warbanner of Vorak hanged high in the quarters. There in deep thought the Commander of Sapphire Squadron sat focusing and centralizing his thoughts and emotions inward. This was normal in the practices of the Sith. Only recent did he assume command of Sapphire Squadron and right now events were unfolding. Like data all encrypted but later each piece was unlocked revealing a greater clue. Here Aries could feel not only within the fiber energies around him but in the air something lurked deep unseen, and foreign. The war was beginning and like any war all would play their role in the time ahead. Aries knew it would be no different for him. Either with another day to breathe or this would be the day to die he knew the incursion ahead the unforseen was out there. Getting up from meditation his door hissed open as a staff member approached. Without any question he gathered his weapons, and his cloak. War is now open his doorstep and he now departs to meet any enemy.
Forgive me just attempting to get a feel for the report.
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