Consul Report


Consul Report


Members of the Royal Clan,

It is my honor and privilege to announce our bid for Brotherhood supremacy in this forthcoming Great Jedi War. It is my hope that each of you will work diligently and with great effort as we strive to claim the title of First Clan. When we are successful, it shall be the first time in the club's history that Clan Taldryan has been dethroned. Let us work together towards this common goal... to make Brotherhood history.

The War Council

Delegates have been selected to consist of Scholae Palatinae's War Council. These individuals will work closely with myself to decipher the War Game aspect of this Vendetta. Ultimately, we will control the actions of the Clan in the mini-game and it will dictate our immediate opponents in the six weeks of competitions. Failure by this Council will not be accepted... these individuals will work the hardest to ensure you are provided with the best chance at winning.

Commander: Braecen Kaeth Kunar

Second In Command: Phoenix Olkyssagh d'tana Palpatine

Advisor: Natth a'Niel Palpatine

Advisor: Thran Occasus

Advisor: Syphoc Rilkel


Captains have been assigned to separate fields of expertise to help you with your entries, drive participation and help the Clan Leaders disseminate information correctly and concisely. These individuals will assist you as you brainstorm, locate matches (ACC & Gaming), improve you quality of work (proofread) and... ultimately... are there to encourage you as you help Scholae Palatinae forge its new history!

Gaming Captain: Zeron

Antei Combat Center Captain: Rasilvenaira StormRaven

Fiction Captain: Natth a'Niel Palpatine

Run-On Captain: Braecen Kaeth Kunar

Other Events Captain: RevengeX Palpatine

Additional co-captains and assistants will be brought on as necessary. These updates will be made by the individual Captain as they address individual strategy and resources.

The only Captain position that might require explaining is the one RevengeX has been gracious enough to fill. While each other captain has a clear-cut, defined role... RevX will be working alongside every member in events that are outside the normal paradigm. He will help with - but not limited to - Poetry, Graphics and Mini-Games. Many kudos to the Palpatine for stepping up his A game to Uber-Game.

Links provided by the Grand Master

The Grand Master asked that this information go - undiluted - from my hands directly to your eyes. As such, these are valuable assets/resources that you will utilize during the conflict... You must be logged into the DB Site to access these functions.

You can not use these functions until AFTER 1159 PM Tonight (the 14th). These functions will be live and ready for use immediately on the 15th (EST).

Links provided by the Consul

This is valuable information concerning the Clan and Houses. Be sure to utilize this information to provide depth, continuity and reality to the events you are participating in. These are official, 'canon' sources for our Clan and the graders will be utilizing these same resources as they check facts.

Clan Prospectus:

HAD Prospectus:

HC Prospectus:


If you have any questions, comments or concerns... please get with me immediately so we can sort this information out. Additionally, if you wish to assist any of the captains... please get in contact with them ASAP. I, for one, am looking for additional assistance in the Run-On.

Alas, not everyone can be a Captain or Assistant... and, truly, the best way to help the Clan right now is to go out and be active. Listen to your leaders throughout the event and rally to the war cry of your Consul when I am in need of you.

Good luck, everyone!

Braecen Kaeth Kunar


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