Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

DJM Royal entered his office and called for Jagan. "Hurry up Jagan! I need to do my report." "But master I'm on the bowl right now." replied jagan. "No matter it's time and I can't wait on you forever." came the reply.


  • The 7th Great Jedi War is in effect so pretty much everything is centered around that. (see website below)

  • The Banner of Chameleon was removed from the Clan's property as it was judged ridiculously overpowered.

  • Sakh Nhem resigned from BTL and Dismal took over as BTL of Exar's Shadow

  • Maximilian Aranos was named Rollmaster in replacement of Dismal.

  • CSP Training Matches! Mondays at 3 PM EST and Fridays at 4 PM EST. #scholae on IRC

  • So move your butts and participate in the GJW!!!

New Competitions


  • APP slayermikey2401 (Sith) IN

  • APP Zyok (Sith) IN

  • APP Jacen Kaan (Krath) IN

  • APP Leila Anagro (Sith) IN

  • APP Sion18405 (Sith) IN

DJM Royal (Krath)/QUA/Exar Kun of Plagueis

<small>SL / ED / RSx2 / SB / GC / SC / AC-ToSH / DC-CP / Cr-2E-4Q / S:-2Dk</small>

<small> {SA: KS: ToL - TS}</small>

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