Members of the Royal Clan,
It is my pleasure to publish my first mini-report of the Seventh Great Jedi War. I will discuss our successes, defeats and future strategy that is essential to the continued growth of our Clan throughout this Vendetta. Let us begin!
War Council
Commander: Braecen Kaeth Kunar
Second In Command: Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine
Advisor: Natth a'Niel Palpatine
Advisor: Thran Occasus
Advisor: Syphoc Rilkel
These individuals are responsible for the War Game feature of the Seventh Great Jedi War. And it is with great pride that I announce their first victory in a series of twelve moves. Just 11 more successful, strategic moves and this Council will deliver for our great Clan! But remember... it is your consistent and constant participation that drives our war machine! Keep your Clan atop the Ladders!
These individuals have elected to accept additional duties during our battle with the Brotherhood. I applaud their extreme devotion and service to Scholae Palatinae... without them, we would not have the dynamic support and extremely high morale that currently courses through our collective veins!
Runon Captain: Niemand "Duda" Machweg (Arania)
Fiction Captain: Natth a'Niel Palpatine
ACC Captain: Rasilvenaira StormRaven, Fionn dan Locut'Hal, Xen Mordin'Vismorsus
Gaming Captain: Zeron
Misc Captain: RevengeX Palpatine
And, of course, I am always willing to help in any of these fields to ensure the obvious outcome of this war: Scholae Palatinae dominance. I have already proofed several fictions and ACC posts, ensuring that we are using correct spelling or pointing out continuity issues. I will do everything in my power to help each of you succeed!
Some of you may be familiar with the adage "It is not a sprint, it is a marathon." No statement could be more true of this event... a six week long, Brotherhood-wide Vendetta... it is the ultimate test of consistency. I implore each of you to continue delivering those much needed points! If you cannot game, I beg of you to continue feeding our war effort with those fiction submissions. Every bit counts!!!
Fiction & The ACC
Ladies and Gentlemen... I cannot express how absolutely vital it is that we continue to excel in these categories. There are over one hundred (100) members in our prestigious Clan... by my estimates, there are at least sixty active members in this Clan. And I am calling upon each of you to deliver every week in the fiction events... if you do, our domination of the Great Jedi War will be a quarter complete. If you have not submitted to either "Broken Pride" or "Holonet News" you have three days to do your part for Scholae Palatinae!
Those of you whom have willingly taken up the blade (or amphistaff) in honor of Scholae Palatinae... I salute you. And I request that you never... ever... time out in your battles. I also highly encourage you to utilize your Captains and fellow clan members to proofread your posts, erasing the opportunity that you will lose due to trivial mistakes. We can capitalize on this event and secure the ACC Ladder by continuing in our perseverance! Keep up the hard work!
Adhere to the Rites of Combat, be in #dbgaming and arrange your matches on IRC before you adventure off to the servers for some intense gaming. Additionally, never place yourself in a situation where it might be interpreted as 'match-dodging' as it will only hurt the Clan (not to mention yourself). Our warriors have given us a valuable opportunity to dominate the BF2/EaW/Misc Ladder... we must not compromise our lead! And if you see someone playing JA/JO in the name of CSP... applaud those proud warriors... they are helping us maintain our vigilant lead in this Great Jedi War!
As for strategy... scroll to the bottom of each ladder's placing chart. If it totals 50 players... you must do everything in your power to be in the top 50% (25 or higher). By keeping ourselves out of the 'basement' of the gaming ladders we will conquer those whom oppose us!
You are all doing a marvelous job. Currently, by our estimates, CSP is winning the Seventh Great Jedi War. However, we must maintain that lead over the next five weeks by giving everything we have... over and over again. Bringing home the gold in the name of Scholae Palatinae will not only dethrone Taldryan... but legitimize our assertion as the Best Clan in the Brotherhood.
Lets show them what CSP is made of... lets get active and drive participation!
Braecen Kaeth Kunar
Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae
Safeguarder of Sheep
Braecen Kunar (Krath Pontifex) / CON-M:MAA-GC-EP / Clan Scholae Palatinae
[GMRG: RG3-G] [PA: Elder] [ACC: CE:1]
AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-11R-18A-20S-8E-5T-1Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-AuL / SI-AuL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk
{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AL - L:PRH}
You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...
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