Welcome again, one and all, to the insane mind of your Battleteam Leader. Just a friendly reminder: PARTICIPATE IN THE GJW! ESPECIALLY FICTIONS! DO NOT TIME OUT ON ACC BATTLES! Now, the reporting shall begin!
Dismal Visutor Gamed (with a fabulous 3/138 win/loss record) Completed one ACC battle
Alexashandra Greywolf Did not report in
Koga Kage Gamed (continued to pwn Taldryanites!)
Aalos Fier Posted in the Run On
Bre-ma Sedul Gamed
Armand alTor Gamed
Maol Nor Lexu Did not report in
Jaden Kyrath Posted in the Run On
In Memory: While I do not often mention Ketoans, I believe it is in order to say Rest in Peace, Baron Zarco. For those who have not heard, on July 1st, Baron Zarco, dedicated Plagueian and Rollmaster/Envoy of Satal Keto passed away. He was an excellent writer and leader. He will be sorely missed, and our thoughts and prayers are with AlMeda and the rest of the Zarco family. Those of you who knew Baron, if you want a little paragraph to commemorate him to be featured in the Dark Voice, send it to me CCing Derev.
Exars Shadow Spacecraft: Were still without a formal assigned fighter squadron, so right now if youre in space, youre most likely in a regular TIE being pwned by Vong.
Run On Update: Right now, were in total disarray. Most of you have established your own place. But, quick update, Im with Scorpius in the Vong ship in Jusadih, about to be tortured out of my mind. Anochiir, Jaden, and Galaphile are on the Hells Iris in Jusadih, planning Other than that, you are all in Antei being pwned by the Vong, going into the Shroud.
Exars Shadow Three-Strike Rule: A reminder, if you dont report in, or dont do at least one thing per week in the GJW, you will be kicked out of the team. No room for inactive people. As youve noticed, no one reported in, as I forgot to remind you that the summaries were due, but I knew what most of you did. To you who didnt report in, I did not give you strikes because I didnt remind you. But if I do remind you and you refuse to comply, strikes will be handed out.
Exars Shadow Competitions: I shouldnt even put this in here, but PARTICIPATE IN THE GJW! Were up in fifth place in the JO/JA/JK ladder and Other ladder, but in fiction and ACC were in sixth place. Come on people, if youre bad at fictions, participate anyway for the points. If you start an ACC battle, dont time out, itll only lose us points. If you start a sub-plot in the RO, finish it. So, that being said, comply please. :-D
Exars Shadow Fictional Jobs: On hold until after the GJW. Read my last two reports for an overview of them.
Exars Shadow Advertisement: This has lost its importance in time of war, but if you see someone interested in joining, make sure theyre at least Acolyte and active, then email me and Ill get them added to the team.
Shadow Leader: Dismal Visutor
Shadow Knight: Aalos Fier
Shadow Cat: Alexashandra Greywolf
Shadow Maker: Koga Kage
Shadow Dude: Bre-ma Sedul
Shadow Jade: Jaden Kyrath
Shadow Sun: Armand alTor
Shadow Akuma: Maol Nor Lexu
The purpose of callsigns are simple: to hide our true identities. Say were talking on a comm. link and someone eavesdrops on it, if were talking as Shadow Leader and Shadow Knight as opposed to Dismal and Aalos, the enemy couldnt tell whos who. So if youre writing in the RO or fiction, and youre talking to a BT member, use these callsigns.
Sadly, my report must come to an end. Youve for the most part been really active, contributing to Clan Plagueiss rise in points. Id like to thank you all personally for that, and wish us good luck for the rest of the war. Continue to be active, fight for your House, Clan, and Battleteam!
As with all leaders in Plagueis, I maintain an open door policy. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, dont hesitate to contact me through any of the following means:
mIRC: Dismal
or variant
AIM: Birdman6110
YIM (Very rarely online): kashikoi_teishu
Have fun and may the Force be with you.
SW Dismal Visutor (Sith)/CMDR-DV/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: CL:3]
AC-ToSH / DC-SiP / Cr-2A-6S-5E-6T-3Q / CF-PF / DSS-BL / SI-BL / SoL / LoR / LS-BL / S:-1Dk
{SA: MVN - KS: ToL - DBB - AS - AIM - IRC - IRO - MSN - LA - LF - ACC - CM - D: KCORE - TW - SA - FP - HS1 - PRH - MED - KP - GS - CPH - O: SCORE - TA - ESET - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}
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