Gaming Days/Nights:
Why are Gaming Nights important?
-Gaming Nights allow you to build relationships with fellow Gamers
-Gaming Nights give you an opportunity to qualify for Sunday Invitational Tourney (SIT)
-Gaming Nights can result in Clusters of Fire (CF's)
Location: #DBGaming
-Monday/Weds/Fri or Tues/Thurs depending on what week it is.
This ensures:
-All members have a chance at matches
-All competitors are following the Rites of Combat
-All DB approved games are allowed (JA, JO, Allegiance, BF, XvT, etc.)
ICTE (Inter-Club Training Event):
-Location: #outerrim, join then type !signup {game}
-Day: Saturdays
-Awards: ICTE All-Star, CF's
-Platforms: All DB approved games are allowed (JA, JO, Allegiance, BF, XvT, etc.)
Below is the link to all of CSP's competitions; from house level to clan level.
Activity/Member Spotlight:
I love shedding light on those who work hard to help bring forth the clan. whether it be SA, gaming, run on, etc.
Gaming Fiends:
RevengeX: 3Cfs
Phantom: 3Cfs
Demious: 2Cfs
Dante: 3Cfs
Cornix: 4Cfs
Gaming Night:
Yzarc: 11Cfs
Demious: 10Cfs
Dante: 8Cfs
Syphoc: 7Cfs
Cethgus: 6Cfs
Cornix: 5Cfs
RevengeX: 4Cfs
Infensus: 3Cfs
Sauni: 1Cf
RevengeX: 3Cfs
Cornix: 2Cfs
Yzarc: 1Cf
JA Training:
Zeron: 4Cfs
Kalak: 2Cfs
Demious: 2Cfs
Dante: 3Cfs
Yzarc: 2Cfs
Malaki: 2Cfs
RevengeX: 2Cfs
Exodius: 2Cfs
Cethgus: 2Cfs
Braecen: Win x10, Loss
Koskian: Win x8, Loss x3
Archangel: Win x4, Loss x3
Lucien: Win x4, Loss x2, Failed to Post
Natth a'Niel: Win x3
Rasilvenaira: Win x3, Loss
Impetus: Win x3, Loss
Makurth: Win x3, Loss x3
Fionn: Win x3, Loss x4
Timbal: Win x2, Loss
Niemand: Win x2, Loss
RevengeX: Win x2, Loss x3
Prajna: Win
Vail: Win
Xathia: Win, Loss x2
Raid: Win, Loss x5
Jaysun: Loss
Yzarc: Loss x4, Failed to Post
Ood: Failed to Post x2
RevengeX: 7Cfs(Bryar Bowl)
Rasilvenaira: 4Cfs(Bryar Bowl)
Yadar: 1Cf(Bryar Bowl)
Yeldarb: 20Cfs(SWG)
Natth a'Niel: Cr-D: First Place Fiction MT.
Rasilvenaira: Cr-A: 1st Gaming Day All-Star.
Syphoc: Cr-S x2: 2nd Gaming Day All-Star, Tied 1st Trivia All-Star. CR-A: 1st CSP Current Events.
RevengeX: Cr-E: 3rd Gaming Day All-Star. Cr-S: Tied 1st Trivia All-Star. Cr-R: 1st Place Catalyst Comp.
Braecen: Cr-A: 1st ACC All-Star.
Xathia: Cr-S: 2nd ACC All-Star.
Cethgus: Cr-E: 3rd ACC All-Star.
Lucien: Cr-S: 1st Shadow Academy All-Star.
Arion: Cr-E: 2nd Shadow Academy All-Star.
Dante: Cr-T: 3rd Shadow Academy All-Star. Cr-E: Tied 3rd CSP Current Events.
Zeron: Cr-S: Tied 1st Trivia All-Star.
Impetus: Cr-S: 2nd CSP Current Events.
Malaki: Cr-E: Tied 3rd CSP Current Events.
Yadar: Cr-S: 3rd Place Catalyst Comp. Cr-Q: 3rd CSP Caption Comp.
Cuchulain: Cr-E: 1st CSP Caption Comp.
Ood: Cr-T: 2nd CSP Caption Comp.
Scroll of Foundation
Mentorship of Yeldarb Vohokou
Scroll of Indoctrination
Recruitment of Jeddanightlife
Steel Cross:
I am glad to award a Steel Cross to Ras for her amazing work on the two Fiction Tribune sites. She has, from scratch, designed and kept updated the new Writers Corner site and has taken over the maintaining of the Fiction site adding new parts and taking out others. She has also been a great help with the reviewing for the WC and also on new fiction competition ideas. She has worked with enthusiasm and respect and fully deserves this award if not more. Thanks Ras keep up the good work, Ricco.
According to the Codex, The Steel Cross is awarded for extended service to ones House or Clan, such as duties that aid a Quaestor or Aedile as well as being a mentor to others. Activity over a period of some time that goes above and beyond what is considered normal can also be rewarded with this award. With Timbal's return to Scholae Palatinae, I had the opportunity to look over his dossier and recent contributions. One particular thing that I found noteworthy (and missing mention in his awards case) was the fact that he had updated each of Scholae Palatinae's Clan vessels' information - all eleven (11) ships. He adapted information from a twelve-page document he had written in the December of 2004 concerning all of the ships in the Clan's fleet. Additionally, because the details of some ships were never finalized, he took it upon himself to create histories for these ships in an impressive display of creativity and writing prowess. A month before he discovered the magic of the Wiki, he voluntarily wrote a superb five-page story about Desio Predators induction into the family of Palpatine another contribution to the Clans lore while demonstrating dedication, loyalty, and kindness to a friend. Proconsul Phoenix later posted this story to the DJB.coms main new page where it was met with great success among other Brotherhood peers (and many commented upon its length). Before transferring to Clan Tarentum, Timbal served on Scholae Palatinaes Senate where he showed how much he cared for the Clans development by sending emails with lengths that could rival the legendary Goat (yes, that long) that covered nearly every angle of the issue at hand on his mobile phone. Timbal has served Scholae Palatinae, as a whole through contributing in important decisions discussed among the Senate, for well over an extended period. Timbal also serves a mentor of the Clan because, as a former Consul, Son of Palpatine, and dedicated leader, both new members and stalwarts look up to him. His activity is of a different sort. It does not result in the accumulation of numerous awards and honors, but instead results in the forward progress of the Clan. Everything Timbal has done is not for individual glory, but for the success of the Clan as a united front. It is with great privilege and honor that I reward my brother and mentor this Steel Cross. Congratulations, Timbal. Remember, if you try to leave again, Phoenix will have to chain you up!
Dark Cross:
For Placing in the top ranks in Individual events in the House Caliburnus' Golden Iris Conflict. Zeron Participated in 5 events, an important investment of time and effort. I congratulate Zeron on all he accomplished and reward him for his continued Vigor and positive attitude. Keep up the Excellent Work Z!
For Placing in the top ranks in House Caliburnus' Golden Iris Conflict. Congratulations Nie! Nie particpated in 4 events and nearly made me wet my self reading her fiction. For her continued humor, help, and unparalleled competitiveness I award Niemand. Anyone who can write my character into a clown suit not only deserves an award, but has earned free drinks for life! Niemand's partcipation helped dramatically drive the planned event and her encouragement and involvement have once again helped the house in a great fashion. Thank you Nie!
In the one week that Yeldarb has been in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, he has established himself as an outstandingly active member, having completed nineteen (19) Shadow Academy courses, excluding the Test of Lore. Additionally, he received a perfect score on the Leadership Fundamentals test - a feat that only a few members have accomplished. This medal has been requested instead of a promotion to reflect the fact that Yeldarb has focus - not a focus for promotion in itself but recognizes the fact that there are structures and promotional guidelines implemented within the DJB to help a new member expand and develop. As well as taking on those courses which specifically appeal to him, he takes on those courses that would mean his promotion happens in a matter of time. His thirst for more activities to particiapte in beyond the Shadow Academy drives members of the House Summit to think on their feet, specifically RollMaster Cuchulain, and think about how the whole Promotional Guidelines can be adapted to meet the needs of individual members. Already in such a short period he has been promoted twice within the House and has only one task to complete to attain the rank of Protector. To promote Yeldarb now would negate that work he has already completed on his march through the ranks, and Yeldarb will surely get this and other promotions in a short time. While medals may sometimes be seen as not being as prestigious as a promotion, Yeldarb has got the promotions covered with his directed and focused energies. This medal is a reflection that his work goes above and beyond what is expected of a new member, and even those members who have been in the House and Clan for months and years can be inspired by his levels of activity. For this performance of excellence and continued participation, I recommend this Dark Cross to Acolyte Yeldarb Vohkou. Congratulations and keep up the hard work.
This for outstanding Shadow Academy Achievements, 14 exams taken and passed with phenomenal results. Maximus has also been outstanding in other facets, having participated in several instances of both #scholae trivia as well as #shadowacademy trivia, next to which he has achieved results in several competitions. Receiving a Crescent with Topaz star for being named the June SA All-star as well as tieing for third on the CSP current events Competition. Maximus, in the guise of Dante, also has a phenomenal IRC presence as well as Email presence. Congratulations Maximus, keep up the stellar work!
Service to the Chamber of Justice.
Service to the Chamber of Justice.
Service to the Chamber of Justice.
Service to the Chamber of Justice.
Anteian Cross:
For Placing First Overall in the Golden Iris Conflict and for unbridled assaults on every available activity. Yzarc smashed and crashed his way to first in this event based solely on his dedication to participating. Yzarc entered every event and placed in most of his submissions. He was not only eager to participate, but on several occasions assisted other members in finding and learning the rules for the event. Though the task was simple, This member has displayed the personification of success within our house. I congratulate you for all your hard work, Yzarc and hope to see the very same fury in the Future!
Cethgus participated in every single event for the Golden Iris Conflict. By that fact alone, Cethgus landed himself among the point leaders. Cethgus' drive and involvement are always beneficial and appreciated. He has encouraged his friends and housemates to become involved in house activity and continues to show why he was the best choice for Battleteam Leader of the Souls of Darkness. I congratulate Cethgus for all his hard work and award this medal as a token of my gratitude.
The Shadow Academy is a great tool and asset to further one's understanding of the Brotherhood, The Expanded Star Wars Universe and Leadership within the Brotherhood. In the early stages (APP, NOV, ACO) it can be a useful tool to explain the basic elements of the DJB. For the older members it is simply a way to expand their own, working knowledge base.
Scholar of the Week: Late Report, N/A.
Shadow Academy:
Natth a'Niel(2)
Thran Savo(2)
Legion of Scholars:
Kalak: LSx2, Created SA Trivia.
Vail: Tied 1st CSP Trivia.
Dante: Tied 1st CSP Trivia.
Xathia: Tied 1st CSP Trivia
RevengeX: 1st SA Trivia.
Ood: 2nd SA Trivia.
Syphoc: Created CSP Trivia.
Zeron: Mod CSP Trivia.
Gaming Day All-Star Cf Totals for July(ID 2671):
Yzarc: 11Cfs
Demious: 10Cfs
Dante: 8Cfs
Syphoc: 7Cfs
Cethgus: 6Cfs
Cornix: 5Cfs
RevengeX: 4Cfs
Infensus: 3Cfs
Sauni: 1Cf
ACC All-Star July(ID 2672):
Braecen: Win x10, Loss
Koskian: Win x8, Loss x3
Archangel: Win x4, Loss x3
Lucien: Win x4, Loss x2, Failed to Post
Natth a'Niel: Win x3
Rasilvenaira: Win x3, Loss
Impetus: Win x3, Loss
Makurth: Win x3, Loss x3
Fionn: Win x3, Loss x4
Timbal: Win x2, Loss
Niemand: Win x2, Loss
RevengeX: Win x2, Loss x3
Prajna: Win
Vail: Win
Xathia: Win, Loss x2
Raid: Win, Loss x5
Jaysun: Loss
Yzarc: Loss x4, Failed to Post
Ood: Failed to Post x2
Shadow Academy All-Star July(ID 2673):
Natth a'Niel(2)
Thran Savo(2)
Trivia All-Star July(ID 2674):
Kalak: LSx2
Vail: LS.
Dante: LS.
Xathia: LS.
RevengeX: LS.
Ood: LS.
Syphoc: LS.
Zeron: LS.
Just because someone is not in our clan, does not give you the right to verbally assault them or go as far as saying they have no rights in our channel. When a person comes into our channel, they are equals, we do not discriminate, bash, assault, or whatever in any way. This type of behavior will not be tolerated. If someone is saying something that offends you, take it to PM and ask them to stop IN A RESPECTFUL MANNER. Also, the only members in this Clan who have the right to change the topics and ban anyone, are the House and Clan Summits.
Internet-Relay Chat (IRC) is the second (after e-mail) most accessible asset/tool within the Dark Brotherhood (DB). As a new member in the DB, IRC can provide you with real-time answers to real-time problems/questions. In fact, I was once a new member that spent countless hours on this chat service picking the minds of my Quaestor and Aedile for every facet of the Clan and DB.
Download mIRC:
Our Server: Undernet
Our Channel: #Scholae
DB IRC Guide:
Download it today, come join us!
Command Staff of CSP:
Clan Summit:
Consul(Con): Krath Pontifex Braecen Kunar
Proconsul(PCon): Sith Warlord Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine
House Summits:
-Krath Epis RevengeX Palpatine(HAD)
-Sith Battlemaster Thran Occasus(HC)
-Dark Jedi Master Nathaniel(HAD)
-Sith Battlemaster Rasilvenaira StormRaven(HC)
Knight Class Envoy(KCE): Sith Warrior Zeron
House Envoys:
-Krath Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine(HAD)
-Guardian Fionn dan Locut'Hal(HC)
Assistant Envoy:
-Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar Sythe'rae(HAD)
-All masters fall under the Envoy System because that is who they must report to on the Advancement of their student.
-All trials and Reccs for promotions/medals must be first approved by the KCE and Clan Summit.
Now, when it come to promotions and medals, this is how it is followed.
-Consul: May promote up to Battlemaster, Prelate and Archpriest
-Proconsul: May promote up to Warrior, Templar and Priest
-Quaestor: May promote up to Dark Jedi Knight
-Aedile: May promote up to Jedi Hunter
Which means, any promotion has to be cleared with the higher ups.
-Any member can recommend a promotion/medal, but it must be cleared through the channels.
-All Medals must be approved by the Clan summit, unless they are for something outside the clan....(i.e DBPA, GMRG work.)
-The exception to this rule would be if it were added to clan work, then it must be approved.
To add another part, all Honorary Titles(Palpatine, Paladin, etc) you still fall under the Leadership of the House you reside in. There are no exceptions to this.
Also, all information pertaining to house histories, story line's, etc. must be run through their perspective house summits and clan summit.
This is the bottom line, this is how the system works.
Any questions, concerns or "critiques" can be sent to me by pm or email.
In Darkness,
Sith Warlord Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine
SWL Phoenix Olkyssagh d'Tana Palpatine (Sith)/PCON/Clan Scholae Palatinae
SB / GC / SC-SoH / AC-ToSH / DC-BP / (GN) / Cr-1R-3A-2S-8E-3Q / PoB-BL / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL / LS-AuL / S:-8M-2Do-4Dk {SA: KS: ToL - IRC - MSN - GL - TS}
ProConsul Scholae Palatinae
Chamber of Justice: Appellate Member
Grand Marshal of Judecca
Son Of Palpatine
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