Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Crimson vanguard status report.

Greetings Crimson Vanguard, Round three of the GJW has come to an end.

Three down, and three to go! So far activity is high, everyone’s been on IRC lately and competing in events. Real life stuff has been keeping me from the conflict, unfortunately. We have all been the best that we can, posting frequently in the Run-On, writing fiction submissions and poems, not to mention our pwntastic graphics.

Congratulations Crimson Vanguard on your efforts in this ongoing conflict.

Just a note on GJW main events, fiction poetry and graphics are simple events to participate in during this large scale competition. But may become more difficult as time progresses, such as the fiction events.


New addition to the unit roster. ACO Exor Blood. Formerly of Ektrosis.

Welcome aboard Exor!

Promotions: None yet

Medals awarded: None yet

SA Courses: None yet

So far week three has been good and, week four looks as if it will be interesting. Keep up the good work and add to our Glorious Clans total point count. Gaming matches in the bf2/other ladder are very important so if you own those platforms you shouldn’t have much trouble finding matches for those games.

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