Week FIVE out of SIX has ended!
The last week has begun!
Day Four Standings:
Taldryan: 10517
Tarentum: 7913
Scholae Palatinae: 7871
Naga Sadow: 3832
Plagueis: 2749
Arcona: 2155
We need to push so that we can get ahead of Tarentum. Tarentum is taking this GJW seriously and are definitely going to cling to second place. Flood those graders with your entries to the fiction and graphics events! Also, remember to check out our GJW run-on here: A Forum username and the subforum password are required. If you need the password, please contact a member of the House or Clan Summit (QUA, AED, CON, PCON).
1) Sith Warrior Zeron has resigned from Clan Envoy and Proconsul Sith Warlord Phoenix Olkyssagh has been appointed as a temporary "replacement" until a suitable member can be found. Jedi Hunter Fionn dan Locut'Hal of House Caliburnus (a.k.a. "Locutov") is on an extended leave of absence ("LoA") of indefinite duration until he can get some external issues resolved. Jedi Hunter Yzarc Rellik will be filling in for Locutov for now.
2) The CSP All-Stars for July have been announced by Proconsul Phoenix! Congratulations to everyone who placed!
3) The password for the CSP's GJW7 forum has been CHANGED! Please contact a member of the House or Clan Summit (QUA, AED, CON, PCON) if you wish to know the password.
4) Consul Krath Pontifex Braecen Kaeth Kunar wrote a really long blurb about the Clan, its leadership, and the Clan as one entity. It is in his most recent report under the section entitled "The Message":
(The "Holocron" feature of the House website contains "news highlights" - important pieces of news in one-two sentence briefings. Holocron:
1) Due to unexpected "real-life" situations, Battlemaster Starrett has resigned from the position of Sith Commander of Mando'ad Vode and has submitted a transfer request for Rogues.
2) The House website ( has finished undergoing renovation. The list of updates includes an updated administration interface and an automatic logging system.
3) Dark Jedi Master Natth a'Niel Palpatine has resigned from Aedile of Acclivis Draco and Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine (a.k.a. "Cooch") has stepped up. At this time, Cooch is also holding the post of Rollmaster/Envoy, so no applications will be taken.
4) The House's Art Gallery and Library have received some new additions! If you want your own pieces featured, please contact Cooch and/or I right away with the file attached!
Art Gallery Additions: Cooch has added his entries to the GJW7 events "Infinite Bloom" and "Whites of Their Eyes", as well as a picture of the Clan's beloved "Colonel Earnie". I have added my entries to the GJW7 events "Infinite Bloom" and "Shattered Star", as well as adding Yadar's entry to the GJW7 event "Infinite Bloom".
Library Additions: I have added my entry to "The Honor of the Armor", a piece that placed fourteenth, as well as Yadar's entry to "Drowning in Fog".
5) Major props to Cooch for writing a story about the joining of Dark Teriones and Zakath, as well as their and Tra'an Reith's promotions! If anyone wants to know what it means to be a Leader, take a look at Cooch (but be sure to avoid the face area... :P).
This is the time to stay awake into the night to play games, write stories, take SA courses, and do as much as you can for the GJW!
Participation is key! Participate in all of the events that you can!
All non-Summit House projects are on hold for the duration of the GJW.
Post your ideas on the thread in the House forum,, or send an email my way. I'll consider all your suggestions and respond to you ASAP.
I have personally begun working on various aspects of this project, including starting an information document about the tribes of Antenora - an idea that struck me around midnight a few days ago.
Fictional Backdrop
HAD Review
House Descriptions Development
Order of the Dragon Development
None in the queue.
== Great Loyalty ==
Today, I would like to recognize one of the greatest members of House Acclivis Draco. Even though he is no longer an activity "dynamo" or a "very involved" member, he has proven his loyalty to the House many, many times. I believe that he has go on too long unnoticed and unrecognized. Krath Priest Uzbad Zol Tamalar.
Many of you will not recognize the name, but I beg you to realize that he is, truly and sincerely, one who must be counted amongst the most loyal.
What makes a "loyal member"?
They are always there through thick and thin, participating in events consistently (not necessarily amazingly), and help spread the feeling of camaraderie.
PIN Rank Name
129 Dark Jedi Master Natth a'Niel Palpatine
1540 Dark Side Adept Vail Aquillarum Unteminar
1305 Pontifex Arion Aquillarum Sunrider
3153 Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine
78 Primarch Ziguarath Glyndwr Mandalore
3776 Warlord Maximus Raidoner Mandalore
236 Epis Adam Anderson
3155 Epis Timbal
3491 Epis RevengeX Palpatine
7898 Epis Karva Dronaal
5951 Archpriest Impetus Korin
2895 Battlemaster Starrett
4601 Battlemaster Dakari
4438 Priest Uzbad Zol Tamalar
6390 Priest Siyavash Kaida
1845 Templar Exodius
4792 Templar Lucien
8003 Warrior Zeron
3317 Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar Sythe'rae
4082 Dark Jedi Knight Makurth "Zak" Mandalore
4835 Dark Jedi Knight Korbin
6041 Dark Jedi Knight Laurus
6654 Dark Jedi Knight Kris Omega
6677 Dark Jedi Knight Syphoc Rilkel
7610 Dark Jedi Knight Gavan Sykes Mandalore
3448 Jedi Hunter Tiberius Wolf Mandalore
5540 Jedi Hunter Cornix
7487 Jedi Hunter Libra Tzo
8307 Jedi Hunter Kalak Ragnose
8441 Jedi Hunter Pertinax Yadar Mandalore
7645 Guardian Ohika Ilob Mandalore
8199 Guardian Norrik Karn
8215 Guardian Arual Semaj
8967 Guardian Yeldarb Vohkou
8408 Protector Sauni Demai
8703 Protector Demious
9059 Protector Tra'an Reith
8579 Acolyte Tartutic
8700 Acolyte Aro-wan
8977 Acolyte Lyrina Derricote
8978 Acolyte Infensus
8812 Novice Warhunter Arawn
8986 Novice Orion Black
8995 Novice Solid Snake
8996 Novice Jeddanightlife
9047 Novice Toivious
9072 Novice Thran Savo
9081 Novice Dark Teriones
9096 Novice Zakath
9109 Novice Xikake
8846 Apprentice Zena
8859 Apprentice Seast
8918 Apprentice Exodus The Judge-Sal
8983 Apprentice Settra
9003 Apprentice Jtech2
9005 Apprentice Terak
9019 Apprentice BelZithor
9020 Apprentice Gavin Darmal
9063 Apprentice Jacob
9077 Apprentice Elena Vos
9099 Apprentice alden
9110 Apprentice Luke Dantes
9116 Apprentice Sacron
9130 Apprentice tevon kassik
Our House stands at 64 members.
-- Dark Jedi Brotherhood --
SA Trivia (Renewal) ( 2007-02-10 - 2008-01-26
For the Empire! ( 2007-05-06 - 2008-05-06
-- Clan Scholae Palatinae --
[CSP] JA Training - 3rd Qtr 2007 ( 2007-06-01 - 2007-09-01
CSP Gaming Night All-Star ( 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29
CSP ACC All-Star ( 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29
CSP Shadow Academy All-Star ( 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29
CSP Trivia All-Star ( 2007-05-29 - 2008-05-29
CSP Trivia ( 2007-02-28 - 2008-02-28
-- House Acclivis Draco --
[HAD] What if... ( 2007-01-01 - 2007-12-31
Mandalorian Captions ( 2007-06-15 - 2008-06-15
Dark Jedi Brotherhood -
Shadow Academy -
Antei Combat Center -
Codex of the Dark Brotherhood -
Dark Side Compendium -
Dark Brotherhood Forum -
Dark Brotherhood Wiki -
Clan Scholae Palatinae -
House Acclivis Draco -
House Caliburnus -
Quaestor RevengeX Palpatine: dbrevvy[at]gmail[dot]com
Aedile Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine: cuchulain[at]armymail[dot]mod[dot]uk
Rollmaster Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine: cuchulain[at]armymail[dot]mod[dot]uk
Consul Braecen Kaeth Kunar: bmcoffey13[at]aol[dot]com
Proconsul Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine: phoenix_5181[at]yahoo[dot]com
[Temporary] Clan Envoy Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine: phoenix_5181[at]yahoo[dot]com
(The "[at]'s" and "[dot]'s" are used to substitute their respective symbols to avoid spam bots picking up these email addresses.)
Welcome Xikake, Dark Teriones, alden, Luke Dantes, tevon kassik, and Sacron to House Acclivis Draco from the Shadow Academy!
Congratulations to Toivious, Xikake, Dark Teriones, Orion Black, and Zakath on their promotions to Novice!
Congratulations to Aro-wan on his promotion to Acolyte and Tr'an Reith on his promotion to Protector!
Props to Lucien for writing an inspirational email! Much love, Lucien. :)
Have a great week, folks.
KE RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP-FIC/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CN:1]
GC / SC-SoA / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN / SN / BN / Cr-3R-10A-10S-16E-5T-10Q / PoB-AuL / CF-WF / DSS-AgL / SI-BL / SoF-BL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-4Al-9C-17D-6Do-6Dk
{SA: MVN - KS: ToL - DBB - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - LF - HTML1 - HTML2 - ASP - PHP - ACC - CM - SC - D: KCORE - TW - FP - HS1 - HSII - PRH - MED - KP - RO - GS - O: SCORE - ISET - ESET - AST - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}
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