Interclub Training Event Update


Interclub Training Event Update

Despite my lack of attendance to the ICTE, we still had a fair showing. 49 matches were played this week by over twenty different members. This week, just as they have for the last few weeks, Clan Arcona took top participation honors, with 9 members playing matches. In addition, Locust of Clan Arcona took top individual honors, earning 15 CFs in 18 games. Though Locust may not be the best player in the DB, he has shown consistent activity and improvement through each ICTE he has participated in! Congratulations, Locust!

I'm not sure if I'll make the ICTE this week, due to connection issues. My problems have just gotten worse here on my mountain, with a power outtage blowing my own phone line, which means I'm using our main line. And before any smart ass says to get broadband, its not in my area. :P If I'm not going to be there, I'll make sure that someone able to host the competition attends. However, I do plan on being there, so all of you should be there, too. Remember... 4 pm EST on Saturday in #Outerrim!

Get broadband. :P


pets fleshie If you didn't have to approve all my medals, I'd fly to Ohio and kick your ass... or something. :P

pffff fleshy "get broadband" thats easier said than done =P especially when its not available because you live in the boondocks of texas, and even then your dial up connection just dies on you because southwestern bell are queers, amen. =P

meh. Swipes calling something else queer? :P

"Though Locust may not be the best player in the DB" - subtle way of saying "Locust sux0rs" ;)

Yeah! Fly to Ohio. =) You could meet me and Jacz0r!

But then he would be forced to beat you senseless with a dull the way mav, my stupid phone lines are down again...they were up for 3 days and then they ate **** and died.

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